AAAAA Private Home Health Care


International Tea Day

How about a cup of tea, or two or three?

It’s International Tea Day and after thousands of years of drinking teas there have been studies that show there are health benefits along with great taste.  How about boosting your immune system or fighting off inflammation? What if tea helps keep cancer at bay or helps with heart disease?  Studies are continuing but below is a list of a few teas that studies have shown can help your body:

Herbal Teas – Chamomile, Rooibos, Peppermint and Ginger.  These can help with sleep and relaxation, keep hair and skin healthy and improve blood pressure and circulation. Try peppermint for an upset stomach, constipation or motion sickness.  Ginger tea can fight morning sickness and works to treat chronic indigestion.

Green Tea – Studies have shown that it can help lower blood pressure, triglycerides and total cholesterol. It’s high in flavonoids which can lower bad cholesterol.   It appears to also have anti-inflammatory benefits.  Matcha, a very fine powder from green tea, has shown to be full of antioxidants.

Black Tea – Popular in England, Ireland and the US has caffeine so you need to be careful but did you know that it also has flavonoids that help with inflammation and healthy immune function?  Black tea can also help with scrapes and bruises to relieve pain and swelling.  It can also help with skin rashes like poison ivy so remember to have a black tea bath if you get infected!

Private Home Health Care will be pouring a cup of medicinal tea very soon and we hope you do too! 

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National Cocoa Day

Do you know the difference between hot cocoa and hot chocolate? Do you have a preference?

Hot cocoa is made from cocoa powder, warm milk or water, and sugar.  Hot chocolate is ground chocolate with cocoa butter and milk.

On this National Cocoa day choose a cup of warm hot cocoa made from cocoa powder rather than hot chocolate made with cocoa butter. This saves on fat and calories!  Not only that but cocoa contains healthy antioxidants and can help with digestion!

Private Home Health Care hopes that you can enjoy a hot cup of cocoa after a brisk walk or after skiing or sledding during these winter months.

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Spiritual Literacy Month

This month is dedicated to spiritual literacy.  You are encouraged to read at least one book on spirituality to expand your mind or grow your faith.  What you read depends on what spirituality means to you. 

For some people spirituality is connected to a faith.  For others it’s a higher power.  No matter what it means to you this is an opportunity to find an area of spirituality that interests you.  You can find a book at a library or online. The book can be in print or digital format.  If you don’t have the ability to locate one on your own, ask someone for help.

Private Home Health Care believes that taking the time to broaden your faith or awaken your spirituality can awaken the soul.  We hope that during this busy month that you can find time for this gift to yourself.

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Pretend to be a Time Traveler

“Wait a minute doc, are you telling me you built a time machine . . .

Do you remember this line from the movie “Back to the Future”? This was a fun movie from 1985 with a premise that you could go back in time. Today we are using our imagination as we observe Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day.

The possibility of time travel has been around for a long time.  In India, one of two major Sanskrit epics has King Raviata Kadkumi going to heaven then returning to find that many ages have gone by.  Charles Dickens wrote “A Christmas Carol” in 1843 and has Ebenezer traveling forwards and backwards.  In 1895 H.G. Wells wrote “The Time Machine” and in 1963 the BBC produced “Dr. Who, a tale of a professional time traveler.”

Private Home Health Care understands that as we age we can long for the people in our lives who are no longer with us.  Take some time today and this week to remember and share good memories.  Think about what it would be like to go back in time.  Who would we visit? What would we say to them? What would we do?

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Pearl Harbor Day

Today is the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.  We remember the more than 2,400 people who died in the attack on this day in 1941.  Each year since then this day has been commemorated.  We must never forget the sacrifices made during those years of war. 

On this day, Private Home Health Care will be taking time to remember those heroes.  We are thankful for our freedoms that were protected.

One way to show appreciation is by sending a care package to those currently serving our country.  You might find an organization in your community that can help you.

May we never forget.

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International Day of Persons with Disabilities

This day was created to highlight the challenges faced by people with disabilities.  The goal is to understand the challenges so that we can be more compassionate and understanding.

Private Home Health Care understands that people with disabilities have much to offer and can be valued members of society.  We strive for equal opportunities for all. 

We hope on this day people with disabilities can find acceptance and appreciation in our community and across our world.

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Eat a Red Apple Day

Do you remember Johnny Appleseed and his love for planting apple trees?

On this day we remember the magnificent trees Johnny planted and the delicious red apples that grow from them.

Talk about a healthy snack!   Eating an unpeeled apple gives you 5 grams of dietary fiber and  Vitamins C, K, B6, A and E.Other benefits include supplies of  Potassium, Folate, Calcium and Magnesium. There’s a bonus too as they are low in calories!

Those of us at Private Home Health Care will be eating a red apple today.  We hope others will enjoy one too!

Photo by Maria Lindsey Content Creator from Pexels

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Private Home Health Care would like to wish our Jewish friends a very Happy Hanukkah.

Hanukkah, known as the Festival of Lights, started on sundown last night.  The holiday lasts for 8 days. It celebrates when the Maccabee people rose up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors to take back the Second Temple in Jerusalem.

The miracle happened as the work began for the rededication of the Temple.  There was only enough uncontaminated oil to last for one day.   The oil lasted for a total of eight days which allowed enough time to prepare more oil.  This is seen as a true miracle by the Jewish people.

May this be a blessed holiday for our Jewish friends.

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On this day before Thanksgiving, Private Home Health Care would like to express their gratitude to all of our caregivers and to the people and communities that we serve.

We understand that life can be difficult at times.  It can be hard to be thankful.  Our caregivers work to care for the body and the spirit.  We hope that this provides comfort.

This Thanksgiving we are grateful for each other and we wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving?

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National Game and Puzzle Week

It’s the week of Thanksgiving but did you also know that it’s a week of games and puzzles!! 

Many families gather together this week for the holiday.  It’s the perfect time to play a favorite or new game or build a puzzle.  

There are so many different games.  Find some that work for age groups like Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Connect 4, Jenga, Apples to Apples or Monopoly.  Charades is a great group game that many ages can enjoy and it’s usually good for a few laughs.

The word puzzle comes from a French term that means to bewilder or confound.  This explains jigsaw puzzles which can trick and confound your brain.  Try a jigsaw puzzle with your family.  Choose from one for school kids or more challenging ones for the older, more seasoned puzzle builders.  

Private Home Health Care hopes you can find time during this holiday to play some games and build some puzzles with your family.  It’s a great way to bond, have fun and feel young at heart.

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