AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Beach Day

National Beach Day

National Beach Day on August 30th celebrates all the sandy beaches across the nation. Private Home Care has served the North Shore for years, and we have a special place in our hearts for the beach! National Beach Day also provides an opportunity to help keep those relaxing places clean, so we can continue to enjoy them long into the future.

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Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day, celebrated every August 26, commemorates the passage of women’s suffrage in the U.S. and reminds us of the hurdles overcome by the heroic women who faced violence and discrimination to propel the women’s movement forward.The right to vote, the cornerstone of democracy, belongs to all citizens — but this wasn’t always the case. Until recently, most countries denied voting rights to half of their population: women. To claim their voice, women began agitating for the right to vote in the early 19th century. In the U.S., decisions about who could vote were left up to the states. The 19th Amendment, ratified in 1920, ensures voting rights for everyone regardless of gender. Women’s Equality Day celebrates the achievements of women’s rights activists and reminds us of the unique daily struggles that women face.

To observe National Women’s Equality Day, Private Home Health Care encourages you to learn more about the brave women of the suffrage movement who fought for women’s right to vote.

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National Red Wine Day

Tomorrow is National Red Wine Day! At Private Home Health Care, we love red wine for not only the delicious taste but also the many health benefits! Studies have shown that drinking about 3 glasses of red wine a week can help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol levels, are leading factors behind heart attacks. Red wine is also full of powerful antioxidants that help to repair cells and nourish the body. The darker vino can even be good for your waistline! Research indicates that drinking red wine in moderation can help promote weight loss. 

Raise a glass to your health! Cheers, Salute, Chin-chin or Kanpai to National Red Wine Day!

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National Senior Citizens Day

August 21st was National Senior Citizens Day!

Do you have an elderly person in your life that you love and appreciate? National Senior Citizens Day, August 21,  is the day to let them know how much you care and it’s an opportunity to recognize their accomplishments.  In 1988, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed this holiday to raise awareness about issues that affect senior citizens and their quality of life.

According to the 2017 census, 47 million seniors live in the United States. By 2060, that number will nearly double. Their wealth of knowledge, skill, and experience offer so much to the next generation. As technologies advance, these are the people who’ve experienced each step of change. Not only have they contributed to it, but they understand first hand the benefits and the drawbacks. They know life without the advancements that exist today. 

Today, seniors are still active in their communities as well as continuing to have a strong presence in the workforce.  For all they do and have achieved for the good of their communities, senior citizens deserve our thanks!

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National Wellness Month

August is National Wellness Month. This month focuses on self-care, creating healthy routines and stress management. Observers of National Wellness Month are encouraged to challenge themselves to create new, healthier habits that promote holistic wellness.

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. At Private Home Care we value wellness highly, and this is especially true for our clients. Wellness is more than just physical health. Most models of wellness include at least six dimensions: physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental, and spiritual.

In addition to standard caregiving needs, we incorporate wellness into the lives of our clients. Here are examples of how we incorporate different dimensions of wellness for our clients, depending on their specific preferences, abilities and needs.

Physical: Providing nutritious meals, supporting gentle stretching, easy walks

Mental: Doing a jigsaw puzzle, playing cards, coloring

Emotional: Listening to favorite songs (Frank Sinatra is always popular!), supporting client’s emotional needs through kindness and listening, accompanying trips to the salon or barber – everyone feels refreshed and lifted after getting a nice haircut!

Social: Helping with family visits, engaging conversations, supporting visits with friends

Environmental: Sitting outside, putting fresh flowers on the table, driving by the beach

Spiritual: Accompanying our clients to church services, watching a meaningful movie

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Oysters are a Nutritional Powerhouse!

Oysters are a Nutritional Powerhouse!

At Private Home Health Care, we love oysters because they are highly nutritious and are a classic coastal New England delight!

Oysters contain many nutrients, such as:

-‘Good’ fat: Oysters are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is beneficial in many ways: it can lower cardiovascular mortality risk, can benefit brain health, has anti inflammatory properties, which decreases risk of chronic disease, as well as reduce symptoms of high blood pressure.

-Protein: Not just the amount, but the type of protein you eat matters! Oysters oysters offer seven grams of protein for only 68 calories, which rivals lean red meat for protein density. And unlike lean red meat, oysters contain a high amount of omega-3, which means they offer a high amount of quality protein.

-Zinc: Zinc plays an important role in your body – it helps promote immunity, protein and DNA synthesis, as well as general growth and development. In fact, oysters are the world’s best dietary source of the mineral!

-Vitamin D: Among its many functions, vitamin D promotes bone health and modulates cells, immune function, and inflammation. Also, it even has anti-cancer properties. Sunshine is the single best source of vitamin D, but we can also get it from our diet, and oysters are one of the best sources.

-Vitamin B12: This is important for maintaining healthy blood cells and nerves, and it plays an essential role in DNA synthesis. When people think of vitamin B12, red meat usually comes to mind. However, oysters offer far more of this nutrient than any typical meat!

Oysters are indeed delicious, but you have to be careful when eating them raw. A bad oyster can make you feel ill or lead to food poisoning. However, you can still enjoy oysters if you prefer not to eat them raw! Oysters can be grilled, steamed, or fried. Steaming oysters is the healthiest option, and keeps the original flavors most intact!

Now we know just how good oysters are for you, time to start slurping!

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National Oyster Day

August 5 was National Oyster Day!

Oysters are enjoyed in many parts of the world, and are considered a delicacy. Oysters are a New England coastal favorite, especially during the summertime! There are over 100 species of oysters, and their taste varies in flavor according to their location. East coast oysters tend to be smaller and saltier, whereas west coast oysters tend to be larger and creamier.

These small sea creatures are very nutritious. Oysters are low in calories yet loaded with nutrients, including protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals: A serving of oysters provides over 100% of the recommended daily intake for vitamin B12, zinc, and copper, and over 75% of your daily needs for selenium and vitamin D!

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National Coloring Book Day

National Coloring Book Day

National Coloring book day

Today, August 2cnd, is National Coloring Book Day! Once thought of an activity for children, coloring books are now becoming popular with adults, especially seniors. Not only is coloring a fun activity, but there are also many health benefits! These include:

-Relaxing the brain by minimizing the amount of thoughts running through your head.

-Reducing anxiety and stress by engaging in a grounding and calming activity, which takes your mind off of any issues at hand.

-Develops focus because coloring fosters direct attention to the task at hand. Because your immediate focus is on the picture, your mind becomes centered. Practicing focus is very good exercise for the brain, which helps with brain health and healthy aging. 

-Increases creativity because it is an artistic activity. Creativity is excellent for seniors because it can serve as an emotional outlet and a way for seniors to express themselves.
-Enhances motor skills due to the hand-eye coordination needed to color. The precision required will help reinforce and improve very basic motor skills that begin to fade as we age.

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National Sisters Day

National Sisters Day

National Sisters Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August — this year it fell on August 1. Nothing can quite compare to the bond that sisters have and this is a day to treasure the closeness that forms as you grow up together, sharing your secrets, your dreams, and all the fun times. Sisters have a deep connection that grows throughout childhood and remains strong throughout life. National Sisters Day is a chance for you to spend some quality time with your sister and to cherish the connection that you have.

Private Home Health Care encourages you to celebrate National Sister day by reaching out to your sister! Even if you do not have a sister, a close female friend can be like a sister, and you can celebrate National Sisters Day together!

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National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!

August 4th is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day!

Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies?! They are a favorite old young and old alike, a classic American dessert that is now loved worldwide. 

Did you know that chocolate chip cookies were invented by accident? You may associate the name ‘Toll House’ from the chocolate chips or break-apart refrigerated cookie brand. Before ‘Toll House’ became synonymous with chocolate chip cookies, it was actually the name of an inn located in Whitman, Massachusetts. In the 1930s, Ruth Wakefield, owner of the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts, added broken chocolate bar pieces into her cookie batter thinking that they would melt. Instead, the classic dessert was born.

There are some health benefits to eating chocolate chip cookies! Sweets can actually help with memory. The taste of a favorite childhood treat, such as a chocolate chip cookie, can bring you back to those days and help with memory recollection from early years. Also, using quality dark chocolate chips with a high cocoa content makes for a healthier choice. With antioxidants such as flavonoids and less sugar, dark chocolate is a more wholesome mix-in for our cookies. Quality dark chocolate is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese. 

Today, for National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, Private Home Health Care invites you to celebrate by baking up a batch of these yummy treats or munching on the best chocolate chip cookie you can find at a local bakery!

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