Recognizing Caregivers
It’s National Caregiver Day! Do you know a caregiver to recognize and appreciate today?
It is estimated that there are about 53 million caregivers in our country who help people they know. This could be family, spouses, friends or neighbors. People you care about. In many cases the work is unpaid.
Caregiver Statistics
59% of family caregivers are women. They find it can be more difficult to balance caregiving responsibilities than men.
43% of caregivers are the only one providing the care. An average of 20 hours per week.
53% of family caregivers also work in full-time jobs.
Almost half of the caregivers don’t get support, either financial, counseling or respite care.
43% of family caregivers report sleeping difficulty that can cause feelings of depression.
Caregiver Tasks
Tasks can run from simple to more complex.
Simple: Assistance could be needed to get to medical appointments.
A bit more: The need can be for help shopping, doing housework or preparing meals.
And a bit more: Older adults often need care due to mobility issues, illness or old age.
More complex: medical or nursing needs like medication management.
The bottom line is that there are a lot of caregivers in the United States with varying responsibilities but all of their work is important.
We at Private Home Health Care can help with care. We realize that the work can be stressful and there comes a time when it becomes too much to manage.
On this day we all appreciate and honor the caregivers that we know. The caring and special kindness offered by caregivers is to be celebrated.
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