Tuberculosis, A Curable Disease
On this awareness day for tuberculosis, you and I hear about an increase in the disease.
According to the AP, there was an 8% increase since 2023 adding a little more than 10,000 new cases. This increase was among all age groups.
What is causing this and how can we combat it?
The cause appears to be from increased international travel and migration to the country from other countries.
We have had antibiotics since the 1800’s which has kept the disease in check. The issue today is that for people without the immunizations the infection can be spread through the air when the infected person sneezes or coughs.
The Fight
As of 2025 there are four ways that the American Chemical Society is working on pushing back and eliminating this infectious disease.
- A new technique to diagnose saliva, fluorescence.
- White blood cell-focused TB therapy. This works to interrupt the particles in the disease and then recycle back healthy cells.
- A potential nasal treatment
- A photoreactive therapy that uses light to inactivate bacteria.
For most of us, tuberculosis is not a concern since we have been immunized. There are also very promising treatments developing to help minimize the number of cases in our country.
Private Home Health Care understands the importance of immunizations. We are hopeful also that the levels of tuberculosis will begin to decrease with education.
Posted in: Healthcare
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