Psoriasis Awareness
As we end the month of July we are thinking ahead to the last month of Summer. August begins Psoriasis Awareness month.
Do you know anyone with Psoriasis?
Psoriasis can be a scary diagnosis because if you have it you learn that it is a chronic disease without a cure.
You’ll learn what type of Psoriasis you have out of the six different possibilities. The most common form is Plaque Psoriasis. Additionally, there are different degrees of severity.
Your body will have dry, itchy raised skin patches with scales. You can be very uncomfortable and your sleep can be affected. You could also find that your concentration is having issues as well.
This disease can be very difficult because it can go in cycles and there is no cure but the good news is that there are therapies and medicines to help you manage it.
The various treatments look to keep the skin cells from growing so quickly and also remove the scales.
Your choices are:
Topical – you can use a variety of oils, creams, lotions, gels, foams, sprays and shampoos.
Light Therapy – if you have moderate to severe psoriasis this could be a good option for you. This can include exposure to sunlight, UVB broadband and narrow light exposures.
Oral or Injected Medicines – your moderate to severe psoriasis can be helped with steroids, retinoids, biologics, methotrexate and cyclosporine.
Your medical professional will work with you to determine what is best for your level of psoriasis. It’s most important to have a coordinated effort so you can make informed decisions.
Private Home Health Care is hopeful that there will someday be a cure for psoriasis but for not there are treatments to help you manage this disease.
Posted in: Healthcare
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