Do You Go To Summer Camp?
Today we are thinking about summer camp, day camp and overnight camp, and we are wondering about your memories?
Where did you go to summer camp? What type of camp was it? Did you sleep away or did you go each day for a week or two (or maybe the whole summer)?
There are so many things that happen at camp. You may have had activities of arts and crafts, music, theater, science and nature to name a few. Did you have a favorite?
Usually swimming is an option too. Did you swim in a pool, a lake or the ocean? Did you get lessons or was it free swim? Was that anyone’s favorite experience?
What kind of friendships did you make? Are you in touch with anyone still from your camp days?
The counselors at camp can make all the difference in your experience. Did you have some favorites? Did you ever get lonely and need consolation?
A summer camp experience can give you so many great memories and friendships. The fun activities, the stories and memories of friendships and the caring people who ran the camp.
It was hopefully a happy time filled with new experiences and learning opportiunities.You may not be able to go to summer camp now but you can remember and relive the days of old when you were a camper!
Private Home Health Care loves to remember days gone by and summer camp can provide some of our most vivid memories. We hope it was a rewarding experience for you.
Posted in: Healthcare
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