Private Home Health Care would like to wish everyone very Happy Holidays!
Christmas and Hanukkah both begin on the same day this year. Kwanzaa is right after.
Christmas starts tonight with Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is a blessed and joyful celebration for the church and families.
Hanukkah begins December 25 at sundown and this festival of lights celebration is enjoyed over eight days. It is another time for family and friends with lighting of the menorah and eating some potato latkes, donuts and gelt.
Kwanzaa runs from December 26 to January 1. Black Americans celebrate with family and friends with candles lit each day. A theme of unity is celebrated along with dancing and togetherness and a feast on the last day.
These three celebrations have different names but have common themes of joy, family and togetherness.
We wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah and a Happy Kwanzaa.
Posted in: Healthcare
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