AAAAA Private Home Health Care



It must be December because we got our yearly poinsettia from an old friend.  How beautiful it is and what a thoughtful present.  But wait . . .

Are we going to watch the plant slowly wither away either before or after the holidays?  Oh no, not again!

You may get a lovely red poinsettia too.  Have you had any luck keeping it looking as fresh and lovely as when it first arrives?

In its native Mexico or Central America it is called la flora de Nochebuena or the “Christmas Eve Flower”.  They must be so lucky to have the perfect conditions for this plant.  

Living in cold areas like New England we are not so lucky.

To help keep them alive as long as possible we checked on a few tips from the experts.  See if you can follow these and have a beautiful poinsettia well after the holidays.

  1. Check the soil DAILY.  If it’s dry to the touch, it’s time to water. Soil must just barely dry between waterings.
  2. Be sure to take the plant out of the decorative cover before you water.
  3. Water in a shallow tray with room temperature water. Let excess water run out, then leave the tray in the water for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Next, soak it in the sink for a bit before you put the decorative cover back on.
  5. Avoid having the plant near heat sources.  Best to have it near, but not under, a sunny window.  Room temperature should be between 60-70 degrees.
  6. If you see any yellow leaves, it means it’s overwatered.
  7. Very sad, if you see wilted leaves your lovely plant may be doomed.

Private Home Health Care is really going to work hard to keep our poinsettia looking great for the upcoming holiday.  We may need some prayers so we don’t repeat last year’s experience.  Best of luck!

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Tis the season for giving gifts, many that might go under a tree or get distributed over seven nights.  

You get very busy trying to find the perfect gift for someone you care about and you may even search a few places.  That is a very caring and thoughtful thing to do, right?

Yes is the answer but is it the only one?

Gifts can also be intangible but still meaningful.  We are thinking about acts of kindness or generosity in what you say and do and in how you help others.

During this busy time you can brighten up someone’s day by an act of kindness like saying hello with a smile, bringing a friend a coffee or helping a neighbor.  Helping someone just to help them is a wonderful type of gift.

Remarkably, kindness and generosity can actually help the person doing the kindness.  It can be a gift of health for that person, both emotionally and physically.

You not only feel happy and have your spirits uplifted but you could also help lower your blood pressure and your anxiety levels.

It turns out that gift giving in many ways spreads kindness and happiness to the gift giver and the gift receiver.

Private Home Health Care hopes that you are able to take time this holiday season to give the gift of health by spreading kindness and generosity.  It’s a wonderful way to celebrate.

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Christmas Holiday Traditions – Gingerbread Houses

Gingerbread has been a sweet treat for centuries, dating back to as early as the Middle Ages in Europe.  Using gingerbread to make houses started in Germany around the 16th century.

The gingerbread house and its decorations have changed over the years but for many it has become a favorite Christmas holiday tradition.

The story of Hansel and Gretel was told throughout the world beginning in 1812 and one theory is that all the intricacies of decorating the houses really took off after this.  The story captured the attention of many people.

Does your family make a gingerbread house ahead of the Christmas Holiday?  How do you decorate it?

Today you have many options when it comes to having a gingerbread house.  There are kits that make it less time consuming to put a delicious gingerbread house together.  

You can also bake the gingerbread from scratch, create your frosting, choose your candy decorations and enjoy some time decorating.

Additionally, if you are short on time you can buy one already put together and adorned. 

However you create a gingerbread house it can bring togetherness to a family or friendship.  Many consider it a symbol of the joy of the holiday season.  Some cultures actually consider them to be good luck and to bring prosperity.

Private Home Health Care enjoys seeing a pretty and delicious looking gingerbread house.  To us, it’s one symbol of a festive holiday season and a yummy treat.

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Blue Jeans

National Blue Jeans day is coming soon and it got us curious.  

Blue Jeans are so loved now that half of the world’s population wears them.  You can find them in so many styles and colors it is impossible to list them all.

How did jeans get to be a clothing staple for so many people?

You probably think of Levi Strauss when you think of the history of blue jeans and you would be correct.  But Mr. Strauss is only one part of the equation.

Levi Strauss was from Bavaria and during the Gold Rush in the 1850’s he moved to San Francisco.  There he was approached by a tailor named Jacob Davis.  

Jacob had the idea of creating waist overalls in denim with copper rivets for the working class.  Mr. Strauss had the money and the marketing background.  By May of 1873 the two had perfected the idea and they took out a patent.

The overalls were a hit so much so that over the years they have changed into blue jeans or “jeans” and you can find them easily in stores.  You and I love our jeans and can wear them for almost any occasion.

Interestingly enough, the indigo dye and denim has been around for a while prior to Mr. Davis and Mr. Strauss’s version.  

In fact, there are signs of indigo denim being used in India, Italy and France, all for different things.  Denim has a variety of meanings across the world.

Additionally, the process of making the indigo dye is interesting.  It is made from a green weed that is cooked. When the cooked green weed hits the denim fabric it turns into the blue of denim.  Voila.

Private Home Health Care has a few pairs of denim jeans in different styles in our closets and we love to wear them.  How about you?

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Holiday Stress

Now that we are in the month of December many of us are preparing for one of the three holidays this month.  

Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are all celebrated towards the end of the month.

Each holiday is unique but each has the possibility of leading to stress as you prepare.  

We all have enough stress in our lives on a normal day so additional stress from holidays could push you and I over the top.

Private Home Health Care is always looking for ways to avoid holiday stress.  Check out ideas from the Mayo Clinic for some helpful tips.

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Black Friday

It’s the day after Thanksgiving when we all give thanks for family and friends.  Today, it’s the time to remember those same family and friends by shopping for the holidays.

You might say that it’s the worst day to venture out to stores but you could miss out on some deals.  The bargains on this day can be good and very hard to resist.

We wonder if anyone knows what really caused the phrase “Black Friday?”  If you do, you’ll recall that it was started by a couple of ne’er-do-well  Wall Street financiers.  They caused the gold market to fall which launched bankruptcies.  

A day in infamy thus the label “Black.”

Today we know that it kicks off the holiday shopping season.  Retailers have bargains that bring us into the stores.  Some specials seem too good to pass up!

Traffic on the road and in the stores can be heavy so use caution and move slowly.  It’s so easy to get caught up in rushing around.  There are some good sales on Black Friday but stressing yourself out might not be worth it.

Private Home Health Care likes to get a good bargain but we realize that it’s more than presents that make the holidays special.  We hope you get some bargains without stressing yourself out.

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Happy Thanksgiving

Private Home Health Care would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

We are very thankful for all of the people in our lives, family, friends, co-workers and our patients.  

Tomorrow is a time to gather together and share a meal and give thanks for everything in our lives.  

You and I are busy between work, perhaps raising a family or caring for an aging parent.  It’s time to relax a bit during this holiday.

After the preparation and cooking is done, it’s time to step away from all the busyness of life and be grateful for those people around you.

If you are in a nursing home, we hope you enjoy a nice meal and get a chance to spend time with your neighbors or roommate.

The turkey most of us have at Thanksgiving is great but the company and sharing among friends and family is priceless.

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Staying the Course

The question for today is when things in your life get difficult how do you keep your perseverance and stay motivated?

Perseverance is defined by Merriam Webster as “the continued effort to do or achieve something, despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.”

Each of us has likely faced something in our lives that has become difficult.  It could be a new skill you are trying to learn or perhaps a person you are trying to reach.

You may hit bumps in the road.  You may stumble or lose a way to connect with someone. What gives you the perseverance to continue on?

Having a positive attitude can be a help.  Research sometimes will give some progress.  Perhaps stepping back from the situation and taking a break would allow for some renewed strength.  

To persevere is not always easy.  It helps if you are invested and you feel that what you are working towards is right and just.  Keeping self doubt or outside voices from taking over helps too. Additionally, reaching out for help when you need it.

Remind yourself that some things take time and keep up your spirits.  Your perseverance and motivation will carry you through the difficult times.

Private Home Health Care appreciates that life can get difficult but we feel by persevering we can overcome obstacles that get in the way.  Keep the faith.

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National Sardine’s Day

On Sunday it will be National Sardine’s Day.  

Is your first reaction let me get some of those to eat or is it you can’t get me to eat one of those sardines?

Either way, we’d like to share a bit about these fish.  It’s a big part of Mediterranean diets and we know what a healthy diet that is.  

These little ten inch fish live in schools all over the world. Along with the Mediterranean, sardines are also greatly enjoyed in India and the Philippines.  In Portugal sardines are a national favorite.

What about in the United States and what are the health benefits of these tiny fish?

In 2020, canned fish had a consumption rate of 4.1 lbs. per person in the United States.  Sardine consumption is also expected to grow by 7.8% so it’s becoming popular.

Sardines have a mild fishy taste and these tiny fish are full of unbelievable nutrients. 

A 100-gram can of sardines in oil has no carbs, no fiber and no sugars.  It contains 24 grams of protein, 208 calories, 11.4 grams of fat, 142 milligrams of cholesterol and 307 milligrams.

The vitamins, minerals and fatty acids are off the chart.  Too many to list here but some of them include calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium.  The list contains 23 different vitamins and minerals.

Because sardines are low in calories and full of so many nutrients they can help with blood vessel function and ease inflammation.  They can also help with heart, bone, brain and eye health.  

Additionally, sardines can strengthen your bones, improve nerve function and aid in muscle growth and repair.  

We also know that people who need to watch their salt intake and those with kidney stones or gout need to be careful not to eat too many sardines so they are not for everyone.

Private Home Health Care knows how good sardines can be for our health.  You might need to acquire a taste for them but if you like them you will have gained a great addition to your diet.

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World Hello Day

World Hello Day is on the national calendar for special days.  We chose to write about this because it’s an easy thing to do and fun too!

On Thursday, you simply need to find ten people to say hello to.  People you know count but more importantly saying hello to strangers is an awesome thing for you to do.

You can do this at school, at work and in your senior living center or nursing home.  Everyone knows how to say hello and it could be interesting to see if a conversation begins after that.

It’s not imperative that a conversation starts, you just simply need to say hello.  Most people will be happy to be greeted and will hopefully respond.

You can do it all morning or all afternoon or space it out during the day.  It’s totally up to you.

The beginning of this day actually began because of the Yom Kippur War back in 1973.  It was started by the McCormack brothers who were distressed by the war.  They used only the money they had at the time and sent letters to as many world leaders as they could.

They wanted to start this day to help bring people together peacefully.  The first responses they got were from fifteen different countries.  That took twelve months.

The good news is that over the past forty-two years others have celebrated this day of saying hello. Now it involves a total of 180 countries!  Amazing really.

We do still have conflicts in our world so this has not solved all worldly conflicts but by you and I taking the time to say hello in each of our encounters it helps to spread goodness and happiness in our own way.

Private Home Health Care believes it is important to connect with people around us so we hope that you can find time to offer hellos to people you meet tomorrow and perhaps on other days too.

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