Posted by Mary Demakes
on September 18, 2024
Are you excited that it’s pawpaw season? You know that delicious fruit that takes like a combination of mango, bananas, berries and pineapple.
Never heard of it? Well, now you can say that you have and after reading this blog not only will you know more about it but you also might find you want to try it.
Pawpaws have been around since the indigenous people who started growing them. They would eat them and then use the bark to make rope and clothing.
It is the largest edible fruit native to North America. Its size is between 2-6 inches long and 1-3 inches wide. Not actually too large but like most fruits it’s full of health benefits.
You eat the inside only of the pawpaw and you’ll taste a sweet, tropical taste with a custard-like texture. Think about what we said earlier, the flavors of mango, banana, berries and pineapple. What could taste better?
A pawpaw is low in calories and full of vitamins and nutrients. You will especially enjoy the Vitamin C, Magnesium, Manganese and Iron. The amount of Vitamin C is more than an apple or a banana.
Additionally, if you are looking for a few carbs, a pawpaw can help with that with about 18 grams.
Now we hear that pawpaws can be tricky to find at your local grocery store. If you do, and we hope you do, make sure the fruit has a strong fruity and floral aroma and it is soft to the touch like a ripe avocado or peach.
Private Home Health Care is going in search of this fruit because it sounds delicious and we love the health benefits. We hope you can find some to enjoy.