A New Season
Yesterday marked the beginning of the Fall Equinox, a new season.
It feels as if we were just talking about Summer and now here we are again at the next change of the seasons.
You may feel as we do that time seems to go by very quickly at times. This new season can also bring a few feelings with it.
Sadness could be one of those feelings. You may feel sad that the warm summer days are behind us. Cooler weather arrives and right behind that is the colder weather of the winter months.
Happiness may be another. Your favorite season could be the Fall with all of the beautiful color changes in the leaves, the chance to pick apples or take a walk in the woods with a light jacket. It’s not too hot and not too cold. Some say the perfect season.
To be positive, it’s great to embrace all the beautiful changing colors of the leaves as this new season begins. It turns out that changing into this season is shared in many places.
Our home in New England is one area but there’s also an Arboretum in Chicago for those in the Midwest. Internationally Kyoto, Japan, Iceland, Ontario, Canada and Bavaria (Germany) all share in the color and festivals of the Fall.
Whatever your feelings are, it feels important to make the most of what every season has to offer. Life can go by very fast so the phrase “carpe diem” feels like a good motto to follow.
Private Home Health Care is looking forward to the colors of Fall. We may take a trip up North on a bright sunny day to enjoy the full effects of what nature has to offer in this new season.
Posted in: Healthcare
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