National Simplicity Day
On this day of National Simplicity, we are thinking about what that might mean for each of us?
You and I most likely live very busy lives. We try to work to gain money and live a comfortable lifestyle with a house and a car and perhaps some vacations.
No one is saying that this is a bad way to live. What we do wonder about at times though is what are the most important things in our lives?
Henry David Thoreau was a poet and philosopher from Massachusetts. He lived in the 1800’s, born in 1812 and he died in 1862 at the age of 44. His life, though short, was very full.
He was known for his love of nature. He grew up in Concord, Massachusetts and he loved the woodlands, streams and meadows there. His great appreciation of this led to his friendship with Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Together they believed in Transcendentalism which in simple terms is a belief that your knowledge as an individual transcends all outside forces in your life.
Today is not a day to go to a deserted island but it is suggested that you find time alone, perhaps in nature to think about your life and what is most important to you.
It’s a time to set away from all the busyness and focus on what could be the simple parts that make you smile. What brings you joy? What could you not live without?
You can be of any age to do this. You might be raising a family right now or you might be a single person or an elderly person looking back on parts of your life.
Private Home Health Care likes to step away from what can be a hectic life and find time alone to think about what matters to us. It can be a very rewarding time.
Posted in: Healthcare
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