AAAAA Private Home Health Care


A New Season

Yesterday marked the beginning of the Fall Equinox, a new season.

It feels as if we were just talking about Summer and now here we are again at the next change of the seasons.

You may feel as we do that time seems to go by very quickly at times.  This new season can also bring a few feelings with it.

Sadness could be one of those feelings.  You may feel sad that the warm summer days are behind us.  Cooler weather arrives and right behind that is the colder weather of the winter months.

Happiness may be another.  Your favorite season could be the Fall with all of the beautiful color changes in the leaves, the chance to pick apples or take a walk in the woods with a light jacket.  It’s not too hot and not too cold.  Some say the perfect season.

To be positive, it’s great to embrace all the beautiful changing colors of the leaves as this new season begins.  It turns out that changing into this season is shared in many places.  

Our home in New England is one area but there’s also an Arboretum in Chicago for those in the Midwest.  Internationally Kyoto, Japan, Iceland, Ontario, Canada and Bavaria (Germany) all share in the color and festivals of the Fall.

Whatever your feelings are, it feels important to make the most of what every season has to offer.  Life can go by very fast so the phrase “carpe diem” feels like a good motto to follow.

Private Home Health Care is looking forward to the colors of Fall.  We may take a trip up North on a bright sunny day to enjoy the full effects of  what nature has to offer in this new season.

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Apple Picking

It’s apple picking season in New England from now until the end of October. Do you like to go apple picking in the fall? What kind of apples do you like?

We are lucky because we have many orchards to choose from in our area.  Most have a lot of apples from ones we know, like macintosh, honey crisps and red delicious. There are some uncommon names too like Northern Spy, Gravestein and Baldwin.

We have local orchards and some farther away to make it a day trip::

Brooksby Farm in Peabody

Russell Orchards in Ipswich

Smolak Farms in North Andover

Cider Farm Hill in Amesbury

Honey Pot Hill Orchards in Stow

Nashoba Valley Winery in Bolton

You can walk out or in some cases, take a hayride to the orchard.  You pay ahead to pick or pick and then pay depending on what you get.

Additionally, in most places you’ll be tempted with delicious treats like apple cider donuts, apple pisces and apple cider.  It’s hard not to get a little something extra!

Wherever you go it’s a fun time and you end up with delicious apples that are so good for you.

Private Home Health Care looks forward to apple picking season.  We love to eat them whole or enjoy them as homemade applesauce or a sweet treat.

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Are you excited that it’s pawpaw season?  You know that delicious fruit that takes like a combination of mango, bananas, berries and pineapple.

Never heard of it?  Well, now you can say that you have and after reading this blog not only will you know more about it but you also might find you want to try it.

Pawpaws have been around since the indigenous people who started growing them. They would eat them and then use the bark to make rope and clothing.

It is the largest edible fruit native to North America.  Its size is between 2-6 inches long and 1-3 inches wide.  Not actually too large but like most fruits it’s full of health benefits.

You eat the inside only of the pawpaw and you’ll taste a sweet, tropical taste with a custard-like texture.  Think about what we said earlier, the flavors of mango, banana, berries and pineapple.  What could taste better?

A pawpaw is low in calories and full of vitamins and nutrients. You will especially enjoy the Vitamin C, Magnesium, Manganese and Iron. The amount of Vitamin C is more than an apple or a banana.

Additionally, if you are looking for a few carbs, a pawpaw can help with that with about 18 grams.

Now we hear that pawpaws can be tricky to find at your local grocery store.  If you do, and we hope you do, make sure the fruit has a strong fruity and floral aroma and it is soft to the touch like a ripe avocado or peach.

Private Home Health Care is going in search of this fruit because it sounds delicious and we love the health benefits.  We hope you can find some to enjoy.

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When Have You Listened?

Today we are thinking about the senior citizens in our lives.  These seniors make up a little over eleven percent of the population in our country.

Do you know anyone over the age of 75 or 80?  If you answered yes, have you recently sat down and listened closely to what he or she has to say?

Recently we listened to a discussion about how someone wished that he had listened to his grandparents more.  He was thinking about how he would have liked their stories of what they lived through in their lives.  They are gone now so it’s too late.

This made us think about the older people in our lives and when was the last time we really listened to them.

It’s not always easy to really listen. Sometimes it’s because we are thinking about what we want to say in response to the discussion.  Other times we are too distracted by our own busy lives and it’s hard to stop.

It might be a good idea in the future to reach out, spend time with and listen to an older person in your life.  There could be so many unheard stories to be shared. You might discover something you never knew.

Additionally, listening to someone who is perhaps not as busy or social can do wonders and make them feel useful and happy.  Having someone take the time to listen can be a great way to improve someone’s life for a while.

Private Home Health Care works with many of our elderly population.  We work hard to be good listeners and give compassionate care to everyone.  If you have the chance, we hope you take an opportunity to listen too.

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National Linguine Day

This Sunday, August 15 is National Linguine Day.  

We find it interesting that there is a day set aside for one type of pasta, especially where there are between 27 and 51 different types of pastas available.

We begin with the history of linguine.  It is said to come from the Liguria region in the northwest region of Italy.  The belief is that it’s been around for close to 400 years, who knew?

Like us, some of you may think that a type of pasta is merely a type of pasta but linguine may look like spaghetti but it’s actually made differently.

Spaghetti, and fettuccine, is made by rolling the dough flat and then cutting the pasta into ribbons, not so for linguine.  You need a specially shaped die and then you push the pasta dough through to make the linguine.

Linguine actually means “little tongues” in Italian.  It makes a bit more sense know that you know the difference with other pastas.

What about different recipes?  When do you use linguine versus spaghetti?  

Chef’s consider linguine perfect for other recipes with pesto, olive oil or cream sauces.  Think sauces on the lighter side rather than a bolognese sauce.  You can of course use it for whatever you think works.

Additionally, if you are looking for a narrower form of linguine for a recipe check out linguettine or linguette fine.  

Private Home Health Care loves the diversity of linguine.  It can be used in Chinese dishes like lo mein, chow mein and sesame noodles.  Mangia!

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Have you ever played a game of Sudoku?  You know that game played all over the world that can be played by anyone who wants to try it.

To play Sudoku you get a grid of 9×9 grid boxes.  Using the numbers 1-9 your job is to place each number in a box without any repeats. 

There are many reasons for why this game is so popular.  Check them out and then see if you’d like to give it a try.

  1.  It has simple rules.  Nine numbers in nine spaces.
  2. You use problem solving and math skills so it’s good for your brain.
  3. There are many levels from easier to complex to choose.
  4. You can access it anywhere, in print newspapers, online, using a Sudoku app or an ebook.
  5. You play it by yourself.
  6. It doesn’t matter what language you speak because it uses numbers.
  7. There is no time limit to complete it.  You can take a short or long time to finish.
  8. Good mental reward.  You feel an accomplishment and perhaps relaxation when it’s done.

Private Home Health Care is thinking about trying to complete one in the newspaper.  We may start out with an easy one to see how we do and then move up from there.

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Assisted Living

As you and I know as we age changes happen, mentally and physically.  If you are lucky a loved one has been able to live on their own.  There are times however when your loved one struggles.  That’s when assisted living could be an option.

Assisted living is for those people who need help with daily activities like bathing and meal prep but who do not need a lot of medical care.  

How do you know when the right time might be?  There are some common signs to help decide according to Consumer Affairs.

Is your loved one experiencing falls from declining health?

Is it hard for that person to keep up with daily activities?

If there is a primary caregiver that is getting burnt out?

If there have been recent falls, difficulty keeping up with medications, poor eating habits, problems with hygiene, trouble with upkeep of the home or isolation, these are all signs that a person may need help.

Your answers to these questions can get you started thinking about the possibility of assisted living and you can perhaps look into your options for facilities.

You may feel conflicted and even guilty about thinking about this for someone you care about.  There are however positive outcomes for people in assisted living facilities.  Safety, proper eating and interactions with others can actually improve a person’s health and well being.

Private Home Health Care realizes that it can be difficult to decide on assisted living.  Be watchful of your loved ones and don’t be afraid to think about this change if the right time comes along.

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Have you ever found yourself procrastinating at work or at home?  If you answered yes, you are not alone.  There are a number of us who have perfected this particular form of art.  

You might find it interesting to know that psychologists believe that rather than laziness, it’s really task aversion that is the issue for procrastinators.  You see the task as being too difficult, boring or painful.  It’s the way you manage distress at the heart of it.

With this information we’d like to share some suggestions for you to improve on your procrastination.  

  • Try not to make a “huge deal” out of the task.  Say, “it’s not my favorite task but I can get through it.”
  • Focus on why it would be helpful to complete the job.  It can turn out to be more stressful to have it hanging over your head rather than getting it done.
  • Don’t say, ”I’ll get it done when I have time”, instead mark a time on your calendar.  Set a timer to get the work done if you need to focus.
  • Be realistic about the time needed and if it’s a large project break it into chunks.  Trying to tackle a big project can be overwhelming and cause you to put it off.
  • Have you said, “I need to be in the mood.”  Stop those excuses.
  • If you work well with a partner, add one and make sure you don’t get distracted by social media or your phone.  You might consider actually turning your phone off while you do the work.
  • You can reward yourself. Rewards can be a good incentive.  What would be a good thing to treat yourself with when the project is complete?
  • Do you beat yourself up on past or present procrastinations?  Avoid that. Think positively and figure out the stress around a particular project and address it.

Private Home Health Care understands that some of us are perfectionists.  We want you to go easy on yourself and follow some of the tips above.  You will find yourself feeling better when a project is completed.  

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A Hindu Holiday

Tomorrow is Onam.  This is a holiday filled with traditions, rituals and festivities.  It is one of the three major holidays in India.

Onam marks the homecoming of a mythical character called King Mahabali.  After a victory over Mahabali, lord Vishnu allowed him to come and oversee his kingdom once a year. 

To remember his visit tradition would have you experience the following things:

Pookalam – you will see beautiful and very intricate flower patterns placed at the entrance of homes.  These represent the enthusiasm and prosperity of the season.

Feast (Onam Sadya) – you eat a traditional Kerala meal of delicious foods.  The usual fare is a mixed vegetable dish cooked in coconut and yogurt, spicy lentil stew with vegetables, a stir fry made with vegetables and freshly grated coconut and a sweet dessert made with lentils or rice.

Boat Race (Vallam Kali) – you follow a boat that is beautifully decorated, has speed and the riders have endurance.  It is a very popular event.

Tiger Dances (Pulikali) – this is a contest where people use paints to color themselves like tigers and dance joyfully.

There are also local fairs and cultural events to celebrate the holiday.  Onam really represents togetherness and the opportunity to embrace cultural events.  

Private Home Health Care has enjoyed learning about this Hindu celebration.  Following the tradition of Onam we wish you happiness, prosperity and festive cheer in your celebrations. 

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Labor Day

Private Home Health Care would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day.

We are grateful for the trade unions and labor movement for beginning this holiday to honor and recognize the works of laborers.  The holiday became an official federal holiday in 1894 and it’s been celebrated by many ever since.

For those of you who have the day off, we hope you relax and make the most of the last unofficial day of summer.

For those of you working today, thank you.

Many of you work to keep services open.  At Private Home Health Care we are responsible for the wellbeing of many so we continue to work with our clients as we do every day.

Today, you can still get your coffee, groceries and shop stores thanks to those working.  You might enjoy a nice meal at a restaurant.  Hours can vary but places are still open. Hospitals, maintenance, customer service and tech employees are among those also working.  

Whatever you do today, we wish you a sensational day.

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