AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Why a Mediterranean diet?

Private Home Health Care loves the variety of food and spices offered by the Mediterranean Diet.  This is our diet of choice and we’d love to share it with you.

The Mediterranean Diet is a heart-healthy diet that offers a wide variety of goods.  It originated from places like Greece and Italy, countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.   Since it’s popularity in the 1950’s many studies have been conducted and concluded that there are multiple health benefits!

Plant-based foods are a staple but there are also moderate amounts of fish, poultry and dairy and lots of spices.  The benefits of  lower risk of heart disease and stroke are awesome!

Check out the key parts of the Mediterranean Diet:

Seven to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day

Whole-grain bread, cereal and pasta (add in bulgur and farro too!)

Healthy oils like olive oil over butter or margarine

Eating fish twice a week (salmon, trout, herring, tuna or mackerel (no deep frying)

Lean Red meat eaten no more than once a week (keep portions small)

Low-fat Greek or Plain Yogurt, small amount of cheeses

A variety of herbs and spices and less salt


Posted in: Healthcare

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