World Dream Day
World Dream Day was started back in 2012. The goal is to encourage people all over the world to follow their dreams.
An educator from Columbia University named Ozioma Egwuonwu started the day to “heal and inspire humanity.”
All of us have had dreams at some point, When you were younger it may have been a dream about what to be when you grew up.
As you age other ideas come to light. Your dreams may turn to sports, writing, teaching or creating something unique.
Perhaps you wanted to become an architect so you could create skyscrapers. This must have been someone’s dream because there are many skyscrapers around the world today.
Did you dream of starting your own company? Did you have people who helped and supported you? Would you consider Martin Luther King Jr. a dreamer?
We need dreamers like you in our world today because dreams give you hope and inspiration. It can help give you a reason to get up in the morning. In addition, dreams can connect you with other people.
Don’t let age be a factor in your dreams.
C.S. Lewis said, “You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.”
Lewis produced different writings over the years but it wasn’t until he was age 52 that he wrote one of his most famous works, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Basically, if you can dream it you can make it a reality. You may have ups and downs but if you keep on your path your dream has the best chance.
Private Home Health Care loves this day. It is such an inspiration to dream and to see what dreams can accomplish.
Posted in: Healthcare
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