Can you think of anyone who doesn’t need encouragement at some point in their life?
One definition of encouragement is “to inspire with courage, spirit or hope.” Is there a time in your life when you were given hope?
It’s often natural and easy to give encouraging words to children or young adults. We want them to succeed, so words like “great job” or “fabulous thinking” come easily.
What about as we get older? Is encouragement still as important? We say yes it is!
As you age activities can get more difficult. Your mind may not respond as quickly. Positivity and encouragement become even more important.
It’s easy to second guess yourself and perhaps even shy away from activities or events.
Try to surround yourself with people that uplift you.
If you deal with an aging friend, try and share supportive words with them. Check in and spend some time focusing on the positives.
Life can get overwhelming at times and encouraging words can often make a person feel better. When you feel better your outlook on life improves.
By being kind with our seniors it can make them feel still valued and important. Words like “I value your wisdom” or “you make the world a better place just by being in it” are just a couple of examples of encouraging words.
Private Home Health Care respects our seniors and we strive to be encouraging to them as we administer care. We hope you can find ways to be encouraging too.
Posted in: Healthcare
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