Be Kind to Humankind Week
We’ve blogged about kindness before on this blog but this week of being kind to humankind week is just too good to not mention.
In 1988 Lorraine Jara from New Jersey started this week. In her hometown a young man passed away from a boating accident where people passing by did not want to get involved.
This sad story made Lorraine realize how important every life is and how important kindness is to each of our lives.
The week runs from August 25 to August 31 each year.
Lorraine stated that this last week in August is: “a week of reflection and kind thoughts of others to make this world a better place. Of course we suggest practicing kindness daily, but this is the week you can take.”
You can choose kindness at any time and anywhere of course but this week especially there is a path to follow to help guide you.
Below are some of Lorraine’s suggestions for the rest of this week:
- Willing-To-Lend-A-Hand Wednesday – find a way to help someone you know today.
- Thoughtful Thursday – treat whoever you run into nicely. You could do a favor also.
- Forgive-Your-Foe-Friday – ohh. This can be hard. Can you make up with someone you’ve had a disagreement with?
- Speak-Nice-Words-Saturday – you know what this means right? If you can say anything nice stay quiet but if you can spread the love.
Private Home Health Care loves to share good thoughts. We appreciate each of you and we hope you have a wonderful rest of your week.
Posted in: Healthcare
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