National Student Nurse Day
This week in May is designated as National Nurses Week. In recognition of this, today is National Student Nurse Day.
You and I have most likely dealt with nurses in some situation before. It may have been at a doctor’s office or a hospital, a burn facility or a mental health hospital. Nurses actually work in many different places.
Florence Nightingale or the “Lady with the Lamp” is credited with beginning the nursing field. She came from the higher echelons of England but her calling was the care of the sick.
Florence began nursing during the Crimean War which ended in 1856. Because of her work during the war and her documenting the excellent nursing given under trying conditions, Florence was given money once she was back in England.
In 1860 the Nightingale School of Nursing was opened at St. Thomas Hospital in London. This was a huge step for women and the field of nursing.
Today there are many options if your calling is to be a nurse. You will find it a very challenging and competitive field but with many rewards.
There are nursing schools in just about every state in the US. Your courses would include theoretical learning as well as practical learning. You would have practical experiences in nursing activities including administering medications, charting and patient assignments.
Your specialty could be burn care nursing, clinical nursing, and mental health. You could also become a nurse practitioner or a midwife. There are many options depending on your interest.
Once your schooling is done you then pass a certification exam and once passed you are a registered nurse.
Private Home Health Care understands the work involved and we salute the men and women who study and learn how to become a registered nurse. Best of luck to you.
Posted in: Healthcare
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