AAAAA Private Home Health Care



Have you ever wondered what it is like to be visually impaired or blind?

According to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, there are 1.1 billion people worldwide living with vision loss.  Of those people 43 million are actually blind.

For those of us with our sight it can be a terrifying thought to lose it. Perhaps you were born blind or it could be that you have developed an eye condition with age.  Either way if you cannot see you need to find alternative ways to manage your life.  Where do you begin?

Independence is very important to all of us and if you are blind it is no different.  The good news is that there are organizations in the US that can help.

The National Federation for the Blind is one group that can help guide. They are an advocacy group for the blind with many good resources. They can be found at

There are also a few non-profit organizations that train you so that you can learn to cook, go shopping and learn computers and smartphones.  One of these is in Colorado 

These are two organizations that can help you if you find you are starting to lose your sight or if you are actually blind and trying to manage your life.

Private Home Health Care knows that it is possible to live independently if you are blind and we herald those people.  We also encourage regular visits to your optometrist or ophthalmologist to have your eyes checked and to manage any symptoms.


Posted in: Healthcare

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