National Dairy Month
One of the many things to celebrate in the month of June is National Dairy Month.
National Dairy Month began back in 1937 to celebrate the many healthful benefits of dairy products.
The goal is to have you appreciate and enjoy the variety of food and drink that is a dairy product. These include milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese and sour cream to name a few.
Most of us take dairy products for granted. We naturally gain the nutritional benefits offered by familiar dairy products.
By using dairy products you can help prevent diabetes and keep your heart and bones healthy. Some products help you to manage your weight as well.
You will gain protein and vitamins like vitamins A and B12, riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.
Massachusetts is full of productive dairy farmers. There are close to 60 dairy farmers that are members in the Massachusetts Association of Dairy Farmers.
The association supports the many dairy farmers, many of whom are a part of the Massachusetts Cooperative Milk Producers Federation.
How can you support and celebrate those in the dairy community this month?
- Visit a dairy farm and learn how it runs.
- Pick up some cheeses or frozen yogurt to enjoy.
- Find an ice cream factory to tour. (Ben and Jerry’s has one in Vermont)
Private Home Health Care supports our dairy farmers. We realize how important they are to our community and our health.
Posted in: Healthcare
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