AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Are you looking to make lifestyle changes?

Private Home Health Care would like to share some tips from the APA (American Psychological Association) about how to be successful with lifestyle changes. These changes can lead to a longer and healthier life!

*Map out a plan.  Make a plan that works for you.  Set realistic goals, review them and reset if needed.  Decide if you want short-term and/or long-term goals.

*Start small.  Break your goals into smaller, manageable steps that can be measured. For example, if you are looking for a heart healthy diet, try adding an extra vegetable to a meal or swap out a fruit in place of a sweet dessert.

*Change one behavior at a time.  Don’t get overwhelmed by trying to make too many changes at the same time.  Choose one goal and work on it until you feel it’s a habit.  You can then move on to the next goal.

*Involve a buddy.  Find someone that can encourage you with your goals and enlist them to help.  There are support groups out there if that works for you.

*Ask for help.  If you start to get discouraged with a goal don’t be afraid to reach out for help.  You might find a coach or if serious enough a health professional.

Lifestyle changes can be difficult but your sense of accomplishment can be satisfying and you could have an additional benefit of helping your heart!

Posted in: Healthcare

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