AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Time to Change the Clocks

Private Home Health Care wants to remind you that this is the weekend to spring forward with your clocks!

When you wake up on Sunday morning, 7AM will be 8AM!  We don’t want you to miss out on any of your Sunday activities!  

You’ll be able to enjoy extended daylight once again. Oftentimes the Daylight Savings Time change in the Fall can be difficult.  We end up having less daylight in the evening and that can be hard, especially for people with depression.  We are hoping that the added daylight will help lighten the spirit.

Here’s a quick history of Daylight Savings Time (DST).  A proposal for the DST version we have now came from George Vernon Hudson in 1895.  He hailed from New Zealand.  Next the countries of Germany and Austria-Hungary used it in April of 1916.  In the 1970’s the energy crisis got the ball rolling in many areas of the world, including the United States.

Leave yourself a note!  The change may take a bit of adjustment for your body but give it a few days and look forward to the coming of Spring!


Posted in: Healthcare

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