AAAAA Private Home Health Care


What’s in a Wordle?

There is a new digital game called Wordle that’s attracting more and more people each day.

It’s great exercise for your brain.  You have all the letters of the alphabet to choose from.  The words are all five letters in length.  Letters can only be used once.  You have to guess the Wordle in six tries.

You get hints for the wordle by the color coding of the letter.  Gray if it is not used in the word.  Yellow if the letter is used but in the wrong position.  Green if the letter is used and in the correct position.  Remember, the word has a total of five letters and is a real word. 

Private Home Health Care wants to share the fun with you!  Below are two sites where you can get the game online:

One game a day:

Multiple games in a day:

Good luck and enjoy!

Posted in: Healthcare

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