AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Brain Awareness Week

This week begins the global initiative of Brain Awareness Week.  The goal is to nurture public interest and support for brain science.

Your brain is the most complicated organ in your body.  We’ve made progress understanding the brain’s functions but with 100 billion neurons in each brain there is still much to discover.

Private Home Health Care understands the aging process of our brains.  Cognitive abilities change.  It can be harder to learn new information.  Recalling names can be tricky.  In a noisy environment it can be hard to focus on a conversation.  Changes can vary for each of us.

Private Home Health Care reviewed a study by Harvard with recommendations of how to help your brain as you age. Sharing key highlights below.

Keep learning – get a hobby, learn a new skill, volunteer or mentor

Use all your senses – be aware of your senses in new situations

Believe in yourself – don’t buy into negativity around aging

Prioritize your brain use – leave notes, use calendars, planners and address books to remember important things.  Have one spot for things you use a lot (keys, glasses, wallet, purse)

Repeat what you know – repeat or write down something you just learned

Space it out – Don’t try learning all at once.  Learn it over time, an hour, a day, a week.

Here is the website if you want more details:

Posted in: Healthcare

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