AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Cardiovascular Disease and Health

Private Home Health Care wonders if you understand the difference between certain terms involving the diseases of the heart.  You have probably heard of cardiovascular disease, heart disease and coronary heart disease right?

Cardiovascular disease refers to all types of diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels. It is the general overarching term for diseases of the heart.  Did you know that more than 800,000 people in the US die from cardiovascular disease every year?

Heart disease falls under the category of cardiovascular disease.  It is any disease that affects the heart’s structure and function.

Coronary heart disease is almost synonymous with the term heart disease but it’s definition is more specific.  You are diagnosed with coronary heart disease if you have large amounts of plaque that has built up in your arteries. This is what can lead to blood clots and heart attacks.

You can have a healthy heart if you focus on these areas of your life:

Blood pressure and cholesterol.

Reduce the sodium in your diet.

Get physically active.

Keep a healthy weight.

Don’t smoke.

Manage your stress.

Posted in: Healthcare

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