AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Occupational Therapy Month

April is National Occupational Therapy month, a month to recognize the contributions that these therapists make.

Physical therapists and occupational therapists can often get confused.  Both help you get better but physical therapists focus on specific areas of the body to improve strength, movement and balance.  An occupational therapist focuses on getting you back to the activities you need, want or should be doing.

Occupational therapists help us get back to our day-to-day activities when we need it.  They advise us on how to bath, get out of bed or do household chores.  If you’ve had hip surgery, an occupational therapist can help you return home and adapt to doing tasks while your hip and joints are recovering.  

As we age we can get a disease that needs to be managed.  An occupational therapist can help us by slowing the progression with modifications and exercises.  The therapist would also help if you need to learn assistive devices and review if there are environmental changes that are needed.

Private Home Health Care understands the education and certifications needed by occupational therapists.  We are sharing this website to help find a properly certified therapist:

#OTMonth or #OccupationalTherapyMonth

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National Volunteer Week

Today Private Home Health Care wants to talk about volunteering.  Next week marks the beginning of National Volunteer Week.  The week is set aside for us to thank the volunteers in our life for all they do.  It can also be a time to think about volunteering ourselves.

Volunteering is very rewarding.  It can give you a sense of purpose.  You can have great interactions with others who share similar interests.  You can also stimulate your mind doing a different activity.

There are many organizations where volunteers play an important role.  Animal shelters, nursing homes, food banks and soup kitchens are a few that come to mind.  If you are a resident at an assisted living or nursing home you might find that greeters are needed or perhaps help in the facilities’ library.  

Age is not always a factor when it comes to volunteering so if you feel well and it sounds like fun try and find a volunteer opportunity for you.  You can also spread good feelings by thanking a volunteer you know.  Share a story about volunteering that you have done in your lifetime.  Next week, take some time to think about volunteers and the important role they play.


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National Scrabble Day

Today is National Scrabble Day.  The board game was created by Alfred Mosher Butts, born April, 13 1899. 

It was the Great Depression and Alfred found a way to get people together with a game of Scrabble.  Interesting fact: the game first carried the names of Lexiko and Criss-Cross Words before it finally became Scrabble.

The game is played with two to four players.  You create words using individual letter tiles on a 15 x 15 game board.  Each tile has a number of points assigned to it.  To win, you add up each word and keep track of total points for each player.  The player with the most points wins.  Hint: There are many two-letter words that can add up in points!

This is a great game to focus and stretch your mind. It’s also a great opportunity for you to interact and enjoy camaraderie with others.  Is it just you?  You can play Scrabble solitaire and challenge yourself.

Scrabble is now with Hasbro, Inc.  It is a popular game sold in 121 countries and in 29 different languages.  The game was even inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame in 2004 (who knew?)!  The cost varies but is offered as low as $20 so it’s definitely affordable.

We at Private Home Health Care love to challenge our minds to keep us fresh and vibrant!!  Playing Scrabble is one way to do it!

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National Pet Day

Today is National Pet Day, a day to enjoy and pamper our pets.  Give a treat to whoever your furry friend is.  You can hug your dog or cat, or put out special food for your bird or hamster.  There’s always a way to give a little extra care to those animals that make us happy.

Private Home Health Care knows that pets can have very good benefits for the elderly.  Depending on the pet, you can get more physical activity.  A pet also gives you social interactions and a sense of purpose and security. You may even decrease your risk for heart disease based on some studies.

The right pet can help you enjoy life a bit more and lower stress.  Pets can definitely make you feel loved and they can also help take your mind off of any pain.

We realize that it can be difficult for some to have a pet.  When you think about a pet, it’s important to keep in mind a few things:

Your mobility.  A pet needs to match your ability to move.  A cat or bird might be better if you have trouble getting out.

Costs – Some pets can get more expensive than others with vet bills and food.  If you are on a fixed income be sure to keep expenses in mind.

Housing – Where you live may determine what type of pet you can have.  Check in with your housing authority contact before you make any decisions.

Check out this site if you have any interest in getting a pet and good luck!

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April Flowers

One celebration in April is for National Garden Month.  April teases us with warm days and rain.  It promises sunnier and warmer days to come.  It can be the perfect time to think about gardens.

If you are a gardener, you know that it’s the time to start some seedlings or time to go to the garden store for some plants.  It’s also the time to admire your plantings from last fall.  The daffodils, hyacinth, tulips and crocus come to life.  Bright colors appear as a prelude to new blossoms to come.

You can find plants to make a patio garden if you live in an apartment or assisted living.  Flowers can really brighten our living space.  You might even try planting some veggies to enjoy later on in the summer.  Many plants do well in containers.

For those who are not gardeners, there are many ways to enjoy gardens this month.  Take a walk around your neighborhood and see what’s sprouting in neighbors’ yards.  Try visiting a local rose garden.  The roses are beautiful and have a nice scent.  Look for an Audubon Society location near you.  In addition to new plants growing you’ll most likely see and hear different birds.  You might spy birds preparing nests.  

Private Home Health Care loves springtime and beautiful plants and gardens.  It truly is a new beginning after a long, cold winter.

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National Walking Day

Starting in 2007, the American Heart Association declared the first Wednesday in April as National Walking Day.

Walking gives all of us, no matter our age, good health benefits which is why the AHA decided to give it a name.  A 30-minute walk each day helps with cardiovascular health, makes muscles stronger and improves mental health.  

As we age we often get achy joints so walking can also help gain better flexibility in your joints. Imagine moving your body easier? 

In many areas the weather is starting to get better so a walk outdoors can be lovely.  There are also malls to walk and if you have a treadmill that’s an option too.  Add some music or watch a show to help pass the time.

Private Home Health Care hopes you share stories about your walking adventures using #NationalWalkingDay.  Walking is a great habit to start!

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National Vitamin C Day

Today is National Vitamin C day.  The vitamin that is the fighter of colds and the friend of healthy skin.

Spring can be a time for colds.  If you feel one starting to take hold, you can load up on foods high in Vitamin C to help ward it off.  

Oranges are good but there are foods with higher amounts of Vitamin C that you can easily find.  Food like red bell peppers, guava, papaya and chili pepper.  

Rosehip is an herbal medication high in Vitamin C that can help treat osteoarthritis.  If you suffer from gout, try adding Vitamin C to your diet for some relief.

Your skin could benefit from Vitamin C too.  Harvard Health has conducted studies using Vitamin C in a topical form.  The studies indicate help with sun damage (when used with a sunscreen).  The vitamin can also help improve dark spots and acne, and with some wrinkles.  Your dermatologist should guide you on what is the best product for you.

Private Home Health Care hopes you can add Vitamin C to your diet and and look for more good information on social media using #vitaminCday.

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April Fools’ Day

Private Home Health Care would like to know how your day has been going on this first day of April?  Have you had any pranks done to you?  Have you pulled any pranks on anyone else?  

April 1 can be such a fun and silly day in so many different cultures.  While no one seems to know for sure how the pranks started according to the History Channel there are some guesses.

One theory is the change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar.  Both the Hindu and Julian calendars had April 1 as the beginning of the Equinox.  The change had the year beginning on January 1.  Some people took a long time to understand this so they were called April fools.  The prank was to attach a paper fish to the back of those gullible people.

In the northern hemisphere, the vernal equinox is tied to the first day of Spring.  The” joke” is the unpredictable weather that those inhabitants have been known to experience.

In Scotland in the 1700’s, there were two days of April foolery.  The first day was a day to send people on make believe errands.  This was called “hunting the gowk” (a cuckoo bird which symbolizes a fool).  The second day was Tailie Day.  This was a day to pin fake tails or “kick me” signs on the backs of people. 

Whatever the origin, Private Home Health Care wishes you some fun and laughter on this first day of April in 2022!

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National Doctor’s Day

Where would we be without the doctors in our lives?  Each year on March 30 it is National Doctor’s Day.  A day to say thank you and show appreciation for the doctors who care for us.

The National day was first celebrated in 1933 and then on February 21, 1991, President George W. Bush proclaimed this day as an official day to honor the Nation’s physicians.

Healthcare is so important for each of us. We count on our doctor to be up-to-date on the latest health news and illnesses.  When we don’t feel well we look to our doctor to help.  

As of 2021 there are a little over a million doctors in the United States.  That number includes primary care physicians as well as specialists.  The role of a specialist has become ever more important in today’s healthcare.

Private Home Health Care appreciates the role of doctors in our lives especially as we age.  If you have a connection with a doctor, today is a day to acknowledge it by saying thank you in a letter, with a phone call or on social media using #NationalDoctorsDay.

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