AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Herb and Spices Day

Charlemagne is quoted as saying “Herbs are the friend of the physical and the pride of cooks.”  Do you know who wrote “Variety’s the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor.” ? That would be William Cowper, one of the most popular poets of the 18th century.

On this National Day of Herbs and Spices we pay tribute to all of the wonderfully delicious herbs and spices that exist to tantalize our palates.

You and I use herbs and spices all the time for added flavor but herbs have also been used for centuries to alleviate our ailments.  Today, herbal medicine is a big market and medicinal plants are used to help with pain management.  Herbal remedies are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration however.  

The other side of the coin is the belief that you should use herbs as complementary medicine along with FDA approved treatments.  

The good news is that herbs and spices are key to adding flavor to our foods. What would bruschetta be without basil?  When you make Indian Korma, what would the flavor be without garam marsala, curry powder, cardamom, coriander and tumeric?

Private Home Health Care wants to know what herbs and spices you have in your kitchen? No matter what, we believe that variety truly is the spice of life so use what you love!! 

Posted in: Healthcare

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