AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Trails Day

Tomorrow is set aside by the American Hiking Society for National Trails Day.  The day is to bring together people of all ages that love the outdoors.  It’s also to honor those who preserve and maintain hiking trails for everyone.

A bit of historical information.  In 1968, Lyndon B Johnson signed the Trails Act which dedicated a specific set of trails across the US for recreation and tourism.  From that was born the American Hiking Society who formed in 1976.  

It wasn’t until 1988 however when the National Park Service and the American Hiking Society joined forces to review trail-based issues and make recommendations of trails that would be good for Americans.  There is currently a set of 11 National scenic trails within the National Trails System.  Here is a link that gives locations and descriptions of the scenic trails:

The trails are for hiking but they are also great for bird watching, biking or canoeing trips.  There are many local trails too if you are looking to have a hike or walk through nature.  You might notice a downy woodpecker, a variety of birds or even turtles in a pond.  Trails are for everyone and they range from easy to challenging so it’s up to you to choose. 

Private Home Health Care hopes that you can find some time this summer to go out and enjoy the great outdoors.  Find a trail and have a leisurely walk or a hike.  There are some national trails in central Massachusetts that you might want to check out. 

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Intergenerational Day

The inspiration for Intergenerational Day came from a teacher in British Columbia, Canada in 2009.  The love, care and respect of elders was being taught to students and the idea caught on.

Young people and the elderly can have a wide gap in interactions.  This day was created to highlight the importance of spending time with the seniors in our lives.

As you age there can be less activities to keep you busy.  There are not as many goals for you on a day-to-day basis.  This can lead to loneliness, anxiety and depression.  Spending time with someone younger can help change your feelings from negative to positive ones.

For you the younger person, connecting with a senior can help you understand different life experiences.  It can give you more empathy towards others.  A senior citizen has many experiences to share.  Simple connections are so helpful in making a person feel needed and happy.  

You don’t need a big celebration.  You can visit and spend time with someone in a nursing home.  Try listening to stories, playing a game or making a craft.  Simple activities can help with positive connections for everyone.

Private Home Health Care continues to respect the older generations we serve. We strive to make everyone feel cared for and respected on this day and every day.

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Memorial Day Weekend

Today is the first day of the long Memorial Day Weekend.  This is a special time to thank those who have defended our country over the years.  The commemoration often happens on the Monday of Memorial Day weekend.  Check local stations and websites for a parade and ceremony near you.

This weekend is also a very big travel weekend and many of us travel by car.  With the gas prices high at this time we might find ourselves staying closer to home.  Private Home Health Care would offer a few suggestions for things to do locally.

In Boston, you can visit the Boston Common where over 37,000 flags have been planted.  These flags represent everyone in Massachusetts who died defending our country since the Revolutionary War.  It is quite a sight to see.

At the Boston Opera House, the Boston Ballet is presenting Swan Lake from May 26-June 5.  Do you like museums?  The Massachusetts Institute of Fine Art and Institute of Contemporary art are both offering free admissions on May 30.

Gloucester offers Whale Watches, beaches and a guided- or self-guided tour of Hammond Castle.  $20 for adults, $15 for seniors, $10 ages 5-12 and free under 4.

No cost things to do in Salem, including walking along Chestnut Street to see the old houses.  It claims to be the first planned street in the US.  You can also picnic and play ball at the Salem Common.  There are lots of old cemeteries to visit and many shops to explore.

Private Home Health Care wishes everyone a lovely and relaxing weekend on this unofficial beginning of summer.

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Senior Fitness

The last Wednesday in May is all about Senior Health and Fitness.  Fitness and exercising is good for all ages and it doesn’t need to stop when we get older.

Today is a day when many places have events for seniors that involve exercise.  Check your local senior or community center, YMCA or retirement community and see what you can find.  You can modify exercises to fit your body and level of fitness.  The important part is making sure you are physically active. Today is a day to work to improve your health or highlight what you do to stay active.  The benefits of staying fit are enormous!

As you age your balance gets compromised.  Exercising helps you maintain your balance.  If you are active it helps keep muscles and joints strong.  Arthritis can give you lots of aches and pains.  Movement and exercises can help alleviate the pain.  Do you have high blood pressure?  Regular activity can help keep it stable. Do you feel anxious?  Physical exercise can not only help with anxiety, if you exercise in a group it provides a sense of community too.

Private Home Health Care believes in doing whatever you can to live your best life.  Being physically active can definitely help.  Share what you do on social media using #SeniorHealthFitnessDay.  

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When was the last time you had some fun?  Scavenger hunts are one way people have fun and tomorrow just happens to be National Scavenger Hunt Day.  

The goal of the scavenger hunt is for you to work with a team to find a list of items and be the first to do it.  You are not allowed to purchase anything.  You may need to go to multiple places to find what you are looking for.  Everything on the list could also be in one location.  It all depends on who creates the list.  

For extra fun and a bit more challenge, you can use riddles to describe the item to be found.  First work with your team to figure out the answer and then find the item.  Does that sound like fun?

A scavenger hunt can be as easy or as hard as you make it.  It all depends on who wants to play.  It definitely uses brain power so it’s good for all ages.

Elsa Maxwell, a woman from Iowa who became a gossip columnist and a professional hostess, is credited with coming up with the first scavenger hunt as a party game.  Elsa did create a scavenger list in Paris in 1927 that ended up causing disturbances in the city so do be careful with what you create!

Private Home Health Care wishes you some fun tomorrow having a scavenger hunt or playing a game with friends.

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May is Stroke Awareness month

Private Home Health Care would like to remind you of how to look for signs of a stroke.  We would also like to share tips from the CDC on how to prevent strokes.

Signs to look for:  BE FAST  (

B – Balance – loss of balance or dizziness

E – Eyes – vision changes

F – Face – face drooping, bad headache

A – Arms – weakness, numbness

S – Speech – trouble speaking, confusion

T – Time – time to call 911

Ways to prevent strokes:  (

Choose healthy foods and drinks.  We have spoken of this before.  Foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol, high in fiber.  Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

Keep a healthy weight – check with your doctor on what’s right for you.

Get regular physical activity – moderate activity like a brisk walk, 30 minutes per day

Don’t smoke

Limit alcohol

Work with your doctor to control medical conditions and blood pressure, check cholesterol, and treat any heart issues.

If your doctor recommends medicines make sure you understand and ask questions.  

In 2018, 17% of deaths were attributed to strokes.  Private Home Health Care wants you to gain knowledge to keep you as healthy as possible.

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National Walnut Day

National Walnut Day

Walnuts.  You can find them in the grocery store, whole, shelled in pieces or chopped.  Easy right?  Wrong.

Did you know that walnuts grow on trees?  Trees that when planted take five to seven years to become an adult with walnuts.  The walnuts are surrounded by a green husk.  They are ready for harvesting when the husk dries and splits revealing the walnut.

In California, it’s usually August when the walnuts are ready to harvest.  Once harvesting begins it can last up until late November to complete.  That’s four months!

Yesterday was National Walnut Day.  According to studies by Harvard Health back in 2018, there are health benefits to the mighty walnut.  These nuts may not be the answer to all your health problems but there are ways that adding walnuts to your diet can help make improvements.

Walnuts contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids.  These are much better than saturated fats.  Based on the studies a diet rich in walnuts can help with cholesterol with reductions in total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides between 3-5%. There are also anti-inflammatory qualities in the walnut.

Private Home Health Care loves walnuts and we believe they are a healthy snack alternative to any diet.

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National Emergency Services Week

For 48 years we have recognized the third week in May as National Emergency Services (EMS) week.  Back in 1974 President Gerald Ford first observed the week to honor those professionals who work each day to save others’ lives.

EMS workers are first responders, emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics.  These men and women are trained to have quick reactions and good decision-making skills.  

They study emergency medical and paramedic technology.  They get a post secondary degree and they must be certified in CPR.  EMS workers must have state licensure and an NREMT certificate (National Registry of Emergency Technicians).

Emergency responders can be found everywhere, from rural communities to big cities.  They must be ready at any time to apply their knowledge in critical and life-saving situations.

This week, we hope you can thank a first responder that may have helped you.  Try sharing stories on social media using #NationalEMSWeek. 

Private Home Health Care sends a heartfelt thank you this week to all Emergency Services workers we know.

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International Hummus Day

Hummus, an arabic word for chickpea, is a healthy and yummy food that is easy to make and readily available in grocery stores.

It consists of chickpeas, tahini (ground sesame seeds), lemon juice, olive oil and garlic.  You mix all these ingredients in a food processor or blender and enjoy.

Hummus is a plant-based protein with vitamins like iron, phosphate, folate and vitamin B.  It’s naturally gluten-, nut- and dairy-free.   It has a low glycemic index so it helps control blood sugar levels.

The antioxidants from the olive oil and sesame seeds helps fight inflammation and the fiber in hummus feeds the healthy bacteria in your stomach to improve digestion.

The Mediterranean diet includes hummus paired with vegetables and whole-wheat pita bread. You can also include it in a sandwich on a whole-wheat wrap.  Homemade hummus will last 4-5 days in the refrigerator.  You can also put it in a well sealed container or zip lock bag and freeze it for 4 months.

Private Home Health Care loves to make hummus and enjoy it as a snack with red and yellow peppers.  Bon appetit!

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