AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Letter Writing

A definition of writing is “the physical manifestation of a spoken language.” (

One belief is that human language developed around 35,000 BCE.  It started with pictures in cave paintings.  “Writing” later developed in Sumer, Mesopotamia around 3,500-3,000 BCE.  

The next evolution was with the Greeks in the Greek Phonecian writing system.  Separately, the Maya developed writing in the Near East or Europe.  That was around 500 or 250 BCE.  Many different areas of our world, not to mention the writing developed in China around 1,200 BCE!

A short evolution . . .

The Sumerians of Mesopotamia started with static pictographs.  This was used to communicate over long distances for Trade.  The next evolution was phonograms, symbols representing sounds, . This writing was able to convey motion with the communication. 

The early writing and communication moved into scribes writing and recording events of their time leading to literature.  Basically, the growth of writing came from all over the world!

Private Home Health Care mentions this because Sept. 1 is World Letter Writing Day.

When was the last time you wrote a letter?  You may write lists of work to be done.  Did you leave a note for someone?  Are you in school and writing a paper for a class?  Do you use your phone, iPad or computer?

World Letter Writing Day is a day to grab some paper and a pen or pencil and write a letter!  You can write to a friend, a love interest or a family member.  Hand deliver it or pop it in the mail and see what happens.  It could be a very unique experience!!

Posted in: Healthcare

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