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National CRNA week

This is National CRNA week.  CRNA stands for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists.  Back in 2000, the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists started this week to bring awareness to the important work done by these nurses.

A CRNA nurse differs from an anesthesiologist based on the level of schooling and the degree received.  An anesthesiologist becomes a doctor so they attend undergraduate school, medical school followed by a residency program.  

The Certified Registered Nurse anesthetists goes to undergraduate school.  They then become a registered nurse, followed by one year of critical care experience and then completion of a CRNA program between 24-36 months..

The CRNA nurse can provide the same services but there are some states that require they work with a supervising board-certified physician.  Great care is taken with patients.

CRNA work is done in urban settings in hospitals, surgery centers and pain management centers. You will find anesthesiologists there as well.  In rural areas however, approximately ⅔ of all anesthetics are administered by a certified registered nurse anesthetist.

Private Home Health hopes this blog has been informative. Hopefully you will understand the person administering the anesthetics if ever you have a need.

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National Puzzle Day

Tomorrow is National Puzzle Day. For those of us along the northeast coast awaiting a winter blizzard, a puzzle or two might be just what the doctor ordered!

All puzzles can be found online but paper versions are an option too.  Try a jigsaw on your computer or iPad.  How about a crossword puzzle to stimulate your brain? Word searches can be fun. Sudoku puzzles help with number sequencing.  

The latest rage seems to be Wordle, a free online game that can be found at  The goal is to guess a hidden word in 6 tries.  

Any of these puzzles help your brain.  You can sharpen your memory and problem-solving skills, number skills and vocabulary and language skills.  It’s a great way to pass the time, either alone or with a friend or loved one.  Perhaps it will distract from the windy blowing snow too!

Private Home Health Care hopes you enjoy fun with some puzzles and we wish everyone a safe, joyful day.

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Origins of the word:

Kyndnes is the old English Word meaning nation or produce.  The Middle English word kindenes meaning noble deeds or courtesy came next.  Then in the 14th century it is believed that the word changed to kindness as we know it today.


(from The American Heritage Dictionary ®, Dictionary of the English Language, 5th edition)

Noun – The state or quality of being kind, good will, benevolence, beneficence of action or manner.

In these cold winter months with so much turmoil in our world it feels more important than ever to try and be kind to each other. No kindness is too small.  Saying good morning or hello to people we pass, helping an elderly neighbor with their mail or trash can.  Taking a moment to listen to a co-worker’s story or visiting someone who lives alone.  

Private Home Health Care hopes that each of us can take a moment to reach out to someone and spread good will.  A kindness a day would do much to improve the lives around us.

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Opposite Day

Tomorrow is a crazy day that many celebrate.  It is National Opposite Day!

Opposite Day is exactly as it seems.  The goal is to have fun by saying and doing the opposite in situations.  

Greet someone with “good night” in the morning. Say you are super hot, when you are clearly chilly.  Tell someone it’s a sunny day when it is cloudy or rainy.  Wear a shirt backwards and tell anyone who notices that you don’t know what they are talking about.  

Private Home Health Care wants you to enjoy the day of opposites tomorrow.  We hope it will bring some sunshine and laughter into your day.  

#NationalOpposite Day

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National Granola Bar Day

Today is a day to celebrate the granola bar and the nutrition and energy found in them. There are many different kinds available at grocery stores but recipes for homemade ones are plentiful too.

Granola bars are known for their energy and ease of travel.  They can be high in calories but granola bars are a healthier alternative to other processed snacks. Your body gets more energy and nutrients.  They come in bars but they can also come in energy balls.

Private Home Health Care loves healthy granola bars.  We’d love to share this healthy recipe:

1 cup of oatmeal

½ cup peanut butter

¼ cup honey

1 scoop of either Chocolate or Vanilla Juice Plus Complete Shake Mix

Mix together and form into balls. Roll them in either coconut or melted chocolate chips to finish.  Refrigerate for half an hour and enjoy!

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Coffee Breaks

What is the first thing you think about when you think about coffee breaks?  Do you think about caffeine?  What about coffee breaks bringing people together?  

Coffee breaks started in 1900 so they’ve been around for a long time.  At work, they can generate conversation around challenges in the workplace or personal stories. Friendships and bonds can be created.

It can also be nice to share a coffee outside of work with a friend to catch up on life.  A slow pace and sharing stories is good for the soul.

John Hopkins Medicine has research showing possible health benefits to drinking coffee too.  A couple of cups a day may make you less likely to develop heart or Parkinson’s disease.  Liver enzymes could be higher as well.  Women aged 65 and older who drink two to three cups a day may be less likely to develop dementia.

Try taking a coffee break and share stories with a friend or co-worker.  Watch the sugar and cream but enjoy yourself and your coffee, regular or decaf!

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Martin Luther King Jr.

Today we honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy.  It is the 27th anniversary of the national day of service created in his name.

Martin Luther King, Jr. worked tirelessly to bring equality to all people in America at a time when there were great racial divisions.  He strove to bring dignity to all people, no matter the color of their skin, through peaceful protests, not violence.  

Private Home Health Care commemorates his life today. We will continue to look for ways to help and improve the communities that we serve.

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Do you ever feel like you have a lot of clutter where you live?

A new year can be a time to try and get a bit more organized.  The weather is cold and you are often inside so you might find it’s the perfect setting.

Paperwork can accumulate fast.  Review the rules for how long you need to keep important papers like bank and credit card statements. Go through other papers and decide if you still feel they are needed.  Any sensitive papers should be shredded. 

This should be done over a period of time because it’s hard to accomplish in one day. You can start with one room and decide if there is anything you don’t need anymore.  Donate items to a local thrift store or shelter.  Then move on to the next room.

If you need guidance there are resources.  “Good Housekeeping, first published in 1885, can be helpful.  Amazon also lists titles like “Better Home and Gardens”, “Real Simple” and “HGTV Magazine.”  Check the television for shows and if you need motivation you could try watching TED Talks.

Private Home Health Care hopes that you can get a bit more organized if you feel it’s needed.  It’s on our list for 2022!

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Tomorrow is Poetry Break Day.  A day to celebrate poetry! 

Poetry has a long history.  Did you know that many consider the first poem to be created 4,000 years ago?  The “Epic of Gilgamesh” is the name and was the retelling of the story of Noah’s Ark.  The poetry genres of epic, tragic and comic were determined by Aristotle way back in 350 B.C.

Poets and poetry have flourished all over the world.  Poets like William Shakespeare and Walt Whitman.  In the 19th century we know the names of Emily Dickinsin, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, WB Yeats and Robert Browning.  Let’s not forget Robert Frost!  Poetry continues to be very popular to this day!

Private Home Health Care hopes that you will have a chance to enjoy the day by taking a moment to write poetry, read a favorite poem or learn more about the life of your favorite poet.

To get you started here is a poem by William Wordsworth:

“My Heart Leaps Up”

My heart leaps up when I behold

 A rainbow in the sky;

So was it when my life began;

So be it when I shall grow old,

 Or let me die?

The Child is the father of the Man;

And I could wish my days to be 

Bound each to each by natural


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Tomorrow is National Milk Day.  Why should you drink milk? 

According to verywell, milk has many nutrients and vitamins to help us as we age.  There is some fat but there’s also 8 grams of protein and all the essential amino acids needed.

Milk also provides calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, riboflavin and vitamin B12.  Vitamin D and calcium help with bone strength to help fight against osteoporosis.  Our US milk is also fortified with vitamin D.

“A 2013 study of elderly women (ages 70-85) found those who consumed 2.2 daily servings of milk, yogurt and cheese had improved body composition compared to those who ate 1.5 or fewer a day.” (Check the website to reference the study.) 

Whether you like whole, 2%, 1%, skim, almond or soy milk you are guaranteed to get lots of nutrients to nurture your body.  

Private Home Health Care hopes that you enjoy milk tomorrow whether it’s by the glass or added to oatmeal or your favorite cereal.

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