AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Blueberry Cheesecake Day!

National Blueberry Cheesecake Day!

Today, May 26th, is National Blueberry Cheesecake Day! Yum!

Blueberries are indigenous to North America, and combine that blueberry with the development of cream cheese, some might consider the blueberry cheesecake to be a truly American dessert! While recipes for cheesecake served athletes in ancient Greece, it was James Kraft who developed a form of pasteurized cream cheese in 1912. It’s this trademarked Philadelphia Cream Cheese that many cheesecake makers use today.

Cheesecakes can be prepared baked or unbaked, and blueberry cheesecakes can have the blueberries incorporated into the cheesecake, on top, or both!

Blueberries ripen in summer, so cheesecake is the perfect summertime dessert! Grab a plate and serve yourself a slice of blueberry cheesecake!

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Why Drink Organic Wine?

Why Drink Organic Wine?

Why is it important to drink organic wine?
–> In short, you are what you eat!

This lack of manipulation (meaning no artificial chemicals or pesticides!) in both the field and cellar creates a wine that is arguably more real, and definitely more natural.

Winemakers say that organic wine is most often the best expression of both the grape and also the terroir, the land and environment in which it is grown.

Additionally, the saying goes, you are what you eat (and drink).

There is peace of mind that comes with knowing that no pesticides or additives are going into your wine. But what does that really mean? Are organic wines healthier? The short answer is yes.

In general, organic wine grapes are much healthier! They produce heartier skins and higher concentrations of all of those good for you anthocyanins and antioxidants, including polyphenols and cardio-friendly resveratrol. Also, organic wines are free of residual traces of vineyard additives such as chemical laced pesticides and herbicides.

So drink organic vino, for your health!

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Organic Wine – What Is It?

Organic Wine – What Is It?

Organic Wine on National Wine Day!

We love wine, but it is important that it is organic!

Exactly what is organic wine?

-Organic wines mean that winemakers exclude the use of artificial chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.

-Grapes are part of the ‘dirty dozen’ of produce, this means that by design they tend to absorb more pesticides. Grapes have thin skins and mushy insides so when grown conventionally, they absorb more pesticides and when tested they had on average residues of five different pesticides!

-In the U.S., during the fermentation process, sulfites cannot be added to the wine in order to receive organic certification.

-There is a belief that organic or natural wines do not contain sulfites. This is not true! ALL wine contains naturally occurring sulfites, organic wines just do not have added sulfites.

– Organic winemaking also bans any GMOs or non-permitted additives.

-The biggest omission from conventional winemaking is the lack of coloring agents and concentrated wine additives like Mega Purple, and flavoring agents such as malic acid and caramel.

Now you know! 

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Health Benefits of Wine!

Health Benefits of Wine!

Today, May 25th, is National Wine Day!

Pour a glass for your health! Wine has many scientifically proven health benefits!

Antioxidants, resveratrol, flavonoids and polyphenols are the most often cited compounds found in wine that researchers like to point out as potentially being healthy chemicals found in wine. They are mostly found in red wine, but are also in white wine! Red wine has been found to be especially beneficial for heart health!

-Antioxidants can help prevent cancer, heart disease and assist in lowering cholesterol due to the fact that red wine raises the levels of HDL, or good cholesterol which helps protect your arteries.

-Flavonoids are a natural chemical found in plants. Due to the fermentation process, select enzymes are created that help remove some carcinogens and possibly help inhibit the growth of tumors. In turn this helps you to produce more good cholesterol.

-Resveratrol is said to help in the prevention of damage to your blood vessels while reducing bad cholesterol and assisting to help prevent blood clots.

-Polyphenols helps coat and protect the important lining of the blood vessels in your heart.…/health-nutrition-be…/

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Memorial Day Freedom and Aging in Place

Memorial Day Freedom and Aging in Place

Memorial Day also celebrates American freedom!

Private Home Care wholeheartedly supports and advocates for the freedom of aging in place. We fully understand the importance of independence and freedom for your loved ones.

We are unique in that our decades of experience in home care help us to achieve a thoughtful balance between caregiving and personally tailored independence for your loved ones.

Private Home Care promotes and educates about living a healthy lifestyle. Lifelong health enables long standing independence and freedom, which is at the core of American values.

Our philosophy of “Compassion is at the Heart of Our Care” encompasses deep consideration for responsible freedom and independence for our clients. We adhere to this every day as a meaningful part of well-being.

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Memorial Day and Nutrition!

Memorial Day and Nutrition!

Private Home Care honors Memorial Day. We also are strong advocates for nutrition. And we are combining the best of both worlds! It is also a great way to honor a loved one who has fallen in the line of duty by making their favorite foods – healthy versions!

Healthy Red White and Blue Potato Salad — no mayo!

This is a classic dish for Memorial Day barbecues, but does not have any mayo and incorporates yummy fresh herbs! (Extra points if you grow the herbs in your Tower Garden!)

2 cups fingerling potatoes halved lengthwise (about 10 ounces)
2 cups small red potatoes, quartered (about 10 ounces) **a great substitute are red carrots – adds more flavor and texture to the dish!
2 cups small blue potatoes, halved lengthwise (about 10 ounces)
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives
3 hard-cooked large eggs, finely chopped
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/4 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 garlic clove, minced

Step 1
Place fingerling and red potatoes (or red carrots!) in a saucepan; cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer 15 minutes or until tender. Drain; cool slightly. Place potatoes in a large bowl.

Step 2
Place blue potatoes in a saucepan; cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer 10 minutes or until tender. Drain; cool slightly. Add blue potatoes, onion, parsley, dill, chives, and eggs to bowl; toss gently.

Step 3
Combine vinegar and remaining ingredients. Pour over potato mixture; toss gently to combine. Serve warm, at room temperature, or chilled.

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Memorial Day 2020

Memorial Day 2020

This year, Memorial Day looks different. There are not the usual types of crowds and concerts in order to protect against COVID19 from spreading. You may not be able to have face to face visits with older loved ones on this holiday. Although this is challenging, it can help to remind ourselves that many of our eldest seniors are war veterans, and by socially distancing yourself you are protecting them, just like they protected us and our country during their military service.

Private Home Care encourages us to look to Memorial Day 2020 as an opportunity. This Memorial Day is slower-paced, which gives us time to reflect upon the real meaning of Memorial Day. Of course, Memorial Day is solemn. But it is also an opportunity to reflect upon, appreciate and be thankful for the freedom that we enjoy every day in the United States of America. We honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice by prospering, enjoying our liberty and preserving our American values.

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May is National Salad Month! This is How to Celebrate

May is National Salad Month! This is How to Celebrate

Celebrating National Salad Month the right way!


-Not all salads have to have a lettuce or leafy green base!

-Check out your local farmers market – usually produce there is fresher (which means tastier!) than what you can get in the supermarket!

-Mix up the lettuce variety. Iceberg is what we’re most familiar with in the United States. Try spinach for a change of pace. Romaine makes excellent lettuce wraps. Butterhead comes in loose, crisp, rosettes.

-Prepare salads for the work week. Fill the bottom of a Mason jar the salad dressing. Add the more solid fruits or veggies to next layer followed by any proteins and cheeses. Next, add the leafy greens. The items crunchy croutons, nuts or soft fruits and veggies should be added the day you eat the salad.

-Serve salad with every meal, even breakfast. Fruit salad is a bright way to start the morning. Or even go the savory way and slice some tomato and cucumber slices – drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper – perfect alongside toast and eggs!

-Substitute salad for one meal a day.

-Salads can be grain based – try buckwheat, quinoa or farro!

-Try a different type a salad every week!…/slides…/summer-salads-slideshow

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