National Donut Day!

Happy National Donut Day!
We are proud to say that donuts are a truly American food!
The earliest origins to the modern doughnuts are generally traced back to the olykoek (“oil(y) cake”) Dutch settlers brought with them to early New York (or New Amsterdam). These doughnuts closely resembled later ones but did not yet have their current ring shape
The two most common types are the round ring donut and donuts with filling, which is filled with fruit preserves, cream, custard, or other sweet fillings. Donuts are also topped with icing, sugar, cinnamon, and plenty of other creative sweet toppings! There are also donut holes, which are delicious little round treats. Contrary to their name, they are not made using the hole punched out of the donut, but rather they are pieces of dough rolled, formed, and cooked!
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