AAAAA Private Home Health Care


More Nutrition Facts About Eggs! (Yes, they really are that good for you!)

More Nutrition Facts About Eggs! (Yes, they really are that good for you!)

MORE nutrition facts about eggs – the nutrition powerhouse food!

Eggs can be eaten hot or cold, at a meal or on the go. They are inexpensive and can be cooked to tailor anyone’s taste!

Scrambled eggs are easy to eat and good for people who may have trouble with chewing or swallowing.

-Eggs contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin — Antioxidants (our favorite word!) that have major benefits for eye health.

– Eggs have naturally occurring omega-3 or pastured eggs lower triglycerides.

-High in quality protein, with all the essential amino acids in the right ratios

-Eggs do not raise your risk of heart disease and may reduce the risk of stroke

-Are filling and tend to make you eat fewer calories, helping you lose weight!

-Perfect to eat after a workout, when sometimes you do not feel hungry but need to eat something nutritious! Also a good option for a midnight snack (instead of junkfood!)

Posted in: Healthcare

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