National Veggie Burger Day!

It’s National Veggie Burger Day!
A veggie burger is a burger patty that does not contain meat. These burgers may be made from ingredients like beans, especially soybeans and tofu, nuts, grains, seeds or fungi such as mushrooms or mycoprotein, wheat protein, and more!
Lately, plant based eating has been in the spotlight! Veggie burgers are a very popular plant based alternative to meat. Even the biggest fast food restaurants are starting to embrace plant based veggie burgers!
Veggie burgers boast many health benefits!
-Since they are plant based, they are higher in fiber and provide a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.
-Veggie burgers can help to prevent disease. How? It reduces risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other issues related to poor nutrition. For instance, soy (which is usually an ingredient in veggie burgers) is known to contain phytochemicals that help lower your body’s LDL cholesterol, also known as the “bad” cholesterol. This cholesterol can clog arteries and block blood flow, causing heart disease or a heart attack. The soy in veggie burgers can also help you avoid osteoporosis and other bone diseases, by helping your bones retain calcium.
-Fewer preservatives – manufacturers often add preservatives to meat products because meat goes bad more quickly than plants.
-More customization for veggie burgers because they can be made out of a greater variety of ingredients than regular burgers.
-Less calories and lower in fat than meat burgers
-Great source of protein!
-Helps to lose weight – eating foods with high protein combined with high fiber helps you to feel energized and fuller for longer, meaning you are less likely to turn to unhealthy foods or overeat.
Posted in: Healthcare
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