AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National First Responder’s Day

This is a fairly new national day as it just started in 2019 with a resolution from Congress. October 28 was designated as National First Responder’s Day.

Who are our country’s first responders?  

They are in all of our communities.  

They are men and women who deal with crises on a daily basis as their primary job.  You will find firefighters, police officers. emergency medical technicians, paramedics and 911 operators on the list. 

Do you know any of these people in your neighborhood, town or city?

On this day we are to honor and thank our first responders.  You never know when you will need their services but there could come a day when you do. First responders are always ready to help if the urgent call comes in.

Additionally, we especially want to remember those first responders who have lost their lives. There were many who sacrificed their lives during the 2011 terror attacks.  In 2020 in Worcester, Massachusetts there were 6 firefighters who lost their lives.  

Recently in the past two years our police officers have been under fire and it has become an even more dangerous profession.

How can you thank a first responder?

You could go big and organize a community reception.

Organize a blood drive for EMS week.

Drop off a thank you note to your local EMS office.

TIe some yellow, white and blue ribbons around a tree to home EMS

Say thank you by buying a coffee or dropping off a gift certificate.

Private Home Health Care has great respect for first responders.  Tunnel to Towers Foundation is one group that is dedicated to helping first responders and their families.

Thank you to all the first responders who help us every day!

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Games for the Elderly

Today Private Home Health Care is sharing information on the importance of keeping our minds and bodies functioning through games.

As we age our memory and activity level can become challenged.  We can get lonely too.

You can choose activities to help promote your thinking and cognitive (reasoning) functions. If you are mentally stimulated this can help.  Crosswords and Sudoku are great but usually these are done alone.  

To help with feeling lonely it’s good to do activities with others.  In order to do this there are three areas to focus on:

  1. Games to keep your mind busy and functioning.  They can improve your memory;.
  2. Activities to get your outside and keep you physically fit.
  3. Friends. Participate by playing with a friend.  It can help you with loneliness.

Here are some ideas:






Card games

Jigsaw puzzles


Many of these games are available online too.  You may need a family member or friend to find the best website for you.  There are many possibilities.

Private Home Health Care wants us all to stay active in both mind and body.  You might find that games can bring a lot of fun to life as well!

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Anticancer Lifestyle Program

Meg Hirshberg is the founder of this program. During the month of October there is a lot of money raised for Breast Cancer Awareness month.  This money for research is awesome.  Meg is a believer in cancer prevention as well which is why she started this program.

Her program believes that there are 5 areas that can improve your life and help prevent cancer.

They are:

Change – can you look at your life and try to make changes or adjustments?

Mindset – are you able to practice mindfulness and see choices for a new way of life?

Diet – are you ready to review your diet and make simple changes if needed?

Fitness – what type of activities do you like?  How can you get more active?

Environment – are you exposed to toxins that you can reduce?  

This anticancer lifestyle program is free of charge and available online.  Donations are accepted however.

While Private Home Health Care is not endorsing this program we do want to make you aware of it.  The program may be something you might find helpful to your life.  

Here is the URL:

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National Mammography Day

Today this third Friday of October is National Mammography Day.  

Private Home Health Care spoke about different tests for early detection of breast cancer.  Mammography was one of them.  It is so important for you to be able to detect any breast cancer early.  The earlier it is detected the better the prognosis.

There are three types of mammograms:

Conventional mammogram –  this is a low dose x-ray that you have yearly after age 45. You probably have experienced this test.  It is not lengthy but it gets very uncomfortable at times.

Digital mammography – a digital test uses electronic conductors to show the interior of your breast. There is no film involved. Radiologists can manipulate the image.  You need to check with your insurance company on coverage.

3-D Mammography – This is called tomosynthesis.  The test takes multiple images of your breast to create a 3-D view.  These are not found at every medical facility yet. Check with your insurance company on this one too.

Conventional Mammograms are the standard.  The Digital and 3-D versions are not as prevalent and may not be needed for everyone.  Check with your medical professional. 

Mammograms are very important.  If you do not have insurance or need any assistance the Centers for Disease for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a program to help.  You can call 1–800–CDC–INFO (1–800–232–4636) or go to the website:

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Conditions that Mimic Breast Cancer

Private Home Health Care is continuing today with our discussion around breast cancer awareness.

Today we are focusing on some conditions that could mimic breast cancer. 

You could have any of the following symptoms and they could very well be benign:

Fibroadenoma – You would feel something firm and rubbery and the size of a marble.  It should not hurt. If it changes or grows you may need a biopsy. It is often a benign tumor.  

Intraductal Papilloma – this type of benign tumor is wart-like and usually found near milk ducts.  You may feel a small lump behind your nipple or next to it.  It could lead to some discharge, either clear or bloody. These can be removed by surgery if needed.

Fibrosis and Cysts – Fibrosis is when your breasts thicken and there is a rubbery or firmness you feel.  A cyst is a small bump that is moveable and full of liquid.  Depending on the liquid your doctor may want to run a test.  If either causes discomfort your doctor can advise you to relieve it.

Mastitis – if you are breastfeeding you could develop mastitis.  Your breast could become warm, red and very sore.  You may even run a fever.  There are antibiotics available for this.

Fat Necrosis – is a very damaged fatty tissue in your breast due to injury.  There could also be blood loss.  Your skin around the area may look red or bruised.  These are harmless but could cause discomfort.

Private Home Health Care shared this information because we believe awareness is key to good health.  Be sure to reach out to your medical professional if you have any questions.

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Infection Protection Week

This week is International Infection Protection Week.  We have this week thanks to Ronald Reagan who made the proclamation back in 1986.

Over the past two years, you and I have been dealing with Covid-19. There are boosters available for those people at risk or for anyone who chooses to get one.

Believe it or not, there are other infections out in our world as well.  You can get a common cold and that can make you feel miserable.  I’ve heard of a fast moving virus going around and then of course there is always the flu.  Flu shot season is here if you are interested.

Basically we have to live our lives but there are some ways to try and avoid all different kinds of infections.  A simple washing of hands can go a long way to keep us well.

  • You can wash your hands before you eat.
  • You should have clean hands whenever you prepare and serve food.
  • After a bathroom break is a great time to wash your hands.
  • Any time you cough (if you can’t cough into your elbow), have a runny nose or you’re sneezy, make sure to wash your hands.

I think there are many moms, dads and teachers telling this to their children and students but it’s good for all of us!

Likewise, immunizations are an important way to keep healthy.  Be sure to get in touch with your doctor to check that all of your or your children’s immunizations are current.  Additionally, there are a lot of good antibiotics available today that are options too.

Private Home Health Care hopes that you can wash your hands and stay well this season.  If you do get sick be sure to stay home and rest and if needed, get in touch with your medical professional. Take good care of yourself.

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Breast Cancer Myths

You may have heard of some things that will increase your risk for breast cancer.  Private Home Health Care would like to share a few of the myths.  These were in Medical News Today back in October of 2021.

These do not answer the question of why we contract breast cancer but rather sheds light on areas that are not as important as we may have thought.

An injury to your breast can cause breast cancer.  

  • While your breast can feel different and register as a lump on a mammogram there is no evidence to show that this will cause cancer.

If you wear an underwire bra your risk for cancer increases. 

  • The wire can irritate the skin underneath and some doctors don’t like them for that reason but that’s all.

In vitro fertilization procedures have not shown to increase your risk for breast cancer.  

  • Observational studies over the past 30 years has not shown any difference in women who have gone through IVF versus the general population.

Without a family history of breast cancer it does not mean that you won’t get it.  

  • Unfortunately, while there is an increased risk for those of us with a medical history of breast cancer in our family, it doesn’t let us off the hook.  You have no guarantee that you won’t get the disease.

You can get breast cancer from stress.

  • Stress can be all around us at times.  It can affect your health so you should manage it well but it has not been proven that it increases your chance of breast cancer.

Private Home Health Care hopes these are helpful tips.  You can go online to discover more myths.

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Breast Cancer Tests

Private Home Health Care believes in early detection of breast cancer for the best outcome.  Today we will be sharing information about different tests available for diagnosis.

We have all heard how important it is for us to perform self-exams.  According to research from the John Hopkins Medical Center, at least 40% of breast cancers were discovered by women who performed self-exams.  Knowing how our breasts look and feel is key.

Here are some of the diagnostic tests available:

Imaging Tests

Mammograms – these are recommended for you if you are age 45 or older. If you have a family history or concerns you can get screened earlier.

Ultrasounds – if there is a mass or lump discovered during your mammogram, this test may be ordered by your doctor.  The test can help determine if the mass or lump is filled with fluid or solid. (Not always but often a fluid filled cyst is benign.)

Breast MRI – if you are at high risk your doctor may order this one, but it can have high false positives.  Keep this in mind and discuss with your doctor.


If during your breast imaging test there is a mass or lump discovered, you may need a biopsy.  These are usually outpatient and is another way to find out if the mass is cancerous.  

There are multiple types of biopsies so be sure to speak with your doctor if you get to this stage.

Private Home Health Care knows that there is a lot of information around breast cancer.  We need to be aware of what is available to us so that each of us can have the best outcomes and live our best lives.

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Supporting Breast Cancer Research

Today’s post will list for you different groups that are helping to support breast cancer research this month. Put on those pink ribbons that started in the 1990’s and help cancer research.

Estee Lauder

Making donations for the past 30 years!  You can purchase from their Aerin line of products. 100% of sales are donated to the Breast Cancer Foundation this month.  Visit this website for details:

Jimmy Choo – Do you like Jimmy Choo products? 20% of purchases on the Second Capsule Collection will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Brochu Walker – You can wear the Looker Layered V-neck in Paloma and 20% of October net sales of the brand will be donated to the Breast Cancer Alliance.

Brahmin Handbags – You will love the Pixie Dust Collection. 10% of sales are to be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Additionally . . .

Jane Iredale – Do you need a new blush? 100% of profits on the Rose Hue Blush stick to go to Look Good Feel Better, a complimentary beauty session for those diagnosed with cancer.

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation – You can find community races or walks across the country.  Visit this website for details: Race For The Cure | Susan G. Komen®

Private Home Health Care is hopeful that we can minimize and hopefully eliminate this disease through continued research.

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Breast Cancer Awareness- Lowering Risk

During breast cancer awareness month it is important to look at multiple aspects of the disease.  Today we are focusing on ways that you can lower your risk of getting breast cancer.

Private Home Health Care researched a few sites and is sharing common recommendations:

Healthy Weight – it’s important that you maintain a healthy weight.  Your height, body fat and muscle composition are all factors in determining what weight is best for each of us. Your BMI or body mass index is a way to determine your ideal weight.  There are BMI calculators online, including one at

Regular Physical Exercise – the recommendation is for you to get 2-½ to 5 hours of moderate exercise or 90 minutes to 2-½ hours of vigorous exercise each week.  A brisk walk 4-5 days a week is one option.  Strength training is a great way to exercise too.

Limit Alcohol – there are many reasons to limit your alcohol intake.  Helping to lower your breast cancer risk is one of them.  You should not have more than one drink a day maximum.  That includes drinking 12 oz of beer, 5 oz of wine or 1.5 oz of 80-proof hard liquor.

Additionally, breast-feeding may help limit risk.  Limiting post-menopausal hormone therapies may also contribute to lowering risk but a conversation with your doctor is needed to analyze the risk and benefits.

Private Home Health Care realizes that the higher your risk the more you need information.  Genetic counseling, medicines and close follow-up are all options that you may want to discuss with your medical professional.

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