AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Martin Luther King Jr.

Today, Private Home Health Care honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  

Dr. King was a man of peace who stood up against racism and segregation without violence.  He was very charismatic and a wonderful speaker.  He believed that all people, no matter the color of their skin, were created equal.  

He began as a Baptist minister in the South.  He had a small following that grew with his speeches.  His righteous movement was driven by faith and led by civil disobedience without violence.  

Dr King was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and spoke on the right to vote, desegregation and basic civil rights for people of color.  He helped organize the Montgomery Alabama bus boycott and nonviolent protests in Birmingham, Alabama.

His highly memorable “I Have a Dream” speech was delivered on the Washington Mall in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial.  There were thousands of people in attendance. 

This truly faith-filled and amazing man’s life ended when he was only 39 years old but his life and inspiration live to this day.

On this day, we laud Dr. Martin King Jr. and his peaceful quest for equality for all people.

Posted in: Healthcare

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