AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Oatmeal Muffin Day

Oatmeal and muffins.  What a great combination!!  

The Oatmeal Muffin is celebrated every December 19th.  It’s a great choice if you are in the mood for a muffin and the good news is that there can be health benefits.

The mighty muffin has been around for a long time, centuries even.  They started out being made with yeast but once they came to America we swapped out the yeast for baking powder. Leave it to Americans to find a faster way to bake!

If you love oatmeal but need a bit of variety in your diet try an oatmeal muffin.  They can be diabetic friendly, and carry some good nutrients like antioxidants.  Low calories is another plus. Add some blueberries for more healthy goodness!

Oatmeal can help with digestion and the whole grains can help reduce your blood pressure too.  There are ongoing studies but oatmeal may help with colon cancer too.

When you make your muffins you can try swapping out healthier ingredients to pack a bigger health punch!  Try using white-whole wheat flour instead of just white flour.  There is a healthy sugar replacement called Swerve (these come in granular and brown sugar) to try and almond milk instead of white milk.  It is doubtful you will find any difference in the taste!

Private Home Health Care loves oatmeal and we believe variety is the spice of life.  We hope you can find a delicious recipe to make and enjoy!

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Wreaths Across America

Tomorrow, December 17, is Wreaths Across America Day.

Wreaths Across America started in 2007, dedicated to placing a wreath with a red bow on every veteran’s gravesite in all military cemeteries.  

The gravesites that get wreaths are for veterans from as far back as the Revolutionary War up to the modern day.  

Why the holiday season?  It is seen as another time to honor those who served, including those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. There are now 3,400 locations as well as at sea and overseas.

You could sponsor a location or volunteer to help place the wreaths. Families are encouraged to join in.  Younger generations can learn about the heroes fought to defend our country.

Here is the website for you to check out::  

The site has a wealth of information from how you can volunteer, to how you can sponsor a location, to a curriculum for all ages to teach your children.  

You can also read a section called “Meet the Heros”.  This lists different tributes to those heroes being honored this year.  All the locations for wreath laying events can also be found.

Private Home Health Care loves seeing the wreaths during the holidays.  You may find yourself checking out the site and deciding to get involved! 

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International Tea Day

On this day the tea trade and farmers want you to appreciate and enjoy this easily found and  tasty drink.

A bit of history . . .

Tea started in China during the Shang Dynasty, in the years 1500 BC to 1046 BC.  At that time it was mostly used for medicinal purposes.  One legend has it that the god of agriculture used to test plants for medicine.  He would chew on leaves, stems and roots.  If he found they were poisonous he would chew on tea leaves as a remedy.

At one point tea was taxed in China.  That brings us to tea in Europe.  The Dutch were the first tea drinkers around 1610, followed by the British in 1650.  The British later decided to tax tea.  

The tea taxes eventually spread to the American Colonies and the rest is history! Fast forward to 2022 and the United States enjoys tea, the most popular drink in the world.!

What are the health benefits of tea . . .

According to Penn Medicine from a report this year you will find the benefits are plentiful.

  • White Tea – least amount of caffeine; lots of antioxidants; may help fight some cancers; contains some fluoride to help your teeth.
  • Herbal Tea – low caffeine in some. Helps you sleep (Chamomile), improves your blood pressure, keeps hair strong (Rooibos), soothes stomach upsets, can help with IBS and migraines (Peppermint), fights morning sickness, relieves joint pain caused by osteoarthritis (Ginger), helps liver health, lowers blood pressure (Hibiscus).
  • Green Tea – high in flavonoids; can lower your bad cholesterol, reduce blood clotting, can act as an anti-inflammatory.  Matcha is a fine, high quality green tea, very popular now.
  • Black Tea – caffenaited so watch intake. Contains flavonoids to fight inflammation and promote a healthy immune function.
  • Oolong Tea – in between a green and black tea.  You will find an amino acid, I-theanine, that can reduce anxiety and help increase alertness.  Some evidence shows that it could help with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Private Home Health Care loves sitting down with a nice cup of tea.  Be cautious of adding sugars or drinking latte or bubble teas with sugar, carbs and calories.  You could try using Stevia, a natural sweetener and sugar substitute which is very safe.

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National Guard Birthday

Today is considered the birthday of the National Guard here in the United States.  

The Guard was actually first established in Massachusetts in 1636 for the American Colonies. At the time it required all able-bodied men ages 16 to 60 to join.  There were three regiments created and these regiments remain to this day in Massachusetts!

You will find that the National Guard of today has changed a bit.  The ages have changed from 17 to 35.  The Guard is now a branch of the United States Army. They have access to the latest technologies that the Army does. 

In general, the National Guard is made up of men and women who are civilians with regular jobs.  If you want to join, the minimum time commitment is 1 weekend a month and then 15 additional days.  Over those 39 days you would participate in drills and training activities.

What is unique about the National Guard is that they exist in each state subsequently, they are available to support each governor’s needs.  In addition, units can also be deployed for longer deployments. There are National Guard men and women who served in places like Iraq and Afghanistan for example.

After World War II the Air National Guard was also established.  Today, there are approximately 350,000 men and women who make up the Army and Air National Guard.  This accounts for 39% of the Army.

Private Home Health Care salutes those men and women who help serve our state and our country.  If you know someone in the Guard please thank them for their service.


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This can be a very busy and stressful time of year.  You may be preparing for a holiday or interacting with people who are preparing for a holiday.  Stores are busy, traffic can be heavy and it can make you feel wound up and stressed just by being around it all.

Here are some easy suggestions to relieve some of the stress.  They just might work! 

Find music that will relax you and play it.  You can do it while you are working or take some time away to listen.

Take a 20-30 minute walk.  Yes, you have time to do that.  The fresh air will help and you’ll feel a bit renewed when you get back.

Meditate.  Find a quiet, comfortable place and sit and calm your mind.  Take as much time as you need or feel you can spare.

Exercise or a yoga class can lower stress.  It’s time away and good for the heart and mind.

If you like to be organized, make a list of things that need to get done.  Break the list into manageable pisces.  Tackle a little bit at a time.

Reach out for help.  No one ever said that you have to do everything yourself.  That’s what family and friends are for, right?

Private Home Health Care realizes that too much stress can affect our health.  We want you to enjoy the busy season along with keeping the stress away!  

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Feeling Lonely?  What Can You Do?

Loneliness is defined by Merriam-Webster as being without company or cut off from company. It’s no surprise that you don’t feel too happy or satisfied when you are feeling lonely.

The US Department of Health and Human Services finds that about 28% or 13.8 million people live alone.  Are all of those people lonely, not necessarily but living alone can lead to it.

If you do feel lonely you need to be careful.  Loneliness can lead to cognitive decline, depression, high blood pressure and heart disease.  You may find that you add on weight as well.

What can you do to help with any feelings of loneliness?

You should stay in contact with people.  Call a friend or family member.  Have a chat.  See if there could be a regular time for a phone call, short or long.

Do you live close to friends or family?  See if you can get a visitor to spend some time over a cup of tea, coffee or water?  If no one lives near you, see if you can arrange for a neighbor, church member or elder service to stop by.  Conversation and close contact can wake up your brain.

Learn new technology.  Is there someone you know that can teach you how to use the internet?  Perhaps you use the internet and you need suggestions for new sites to visit.  You may be able to find a safe chat group to join.

Investigate a hobby or interest.  You may be a good knitter or gardener.  You might be a great carpenter or a lover of puzzles.  Any of these activities can help your brain and if you do the activity in a group at a senior center you’ll have social interactions.

Would you like to volunteer?  There are so many places that need help.  If you love animals there are animal shelters looking for volunteers.  Do you like books? Volunteer at a library.  There are so many opportunities available.  Check them out.

Private Home Health Care understands that for some people this time of the year can be difficult causing feelings of loneliness.  Look for ways to stay connected to people. Staying connected can keep you happy and healthy.

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National Influenza Vaccination Week

The first week in December has been designated by the CDC as National Influenza Vaccination Week.

A recent flu season had as many as 49 million Americans ill.  You can expect to have symptoms of fatigue, fever, chills, sweats, aching muscles and a headache.  You generally just feel basically awful.

Generally, flu season starts to hit in October but it peaks December through February.  Early December is a perfect time to get protected.

While it’s not unusual for a large number of people to get the flu each year, you will find that it affects people differently.  You could end up in bed for a number of days or in the hospital.  Complications from the flu can lead to bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, ear infections or worsening of an existing medical condition.

You can find many studies on the flu and because of these the flu shot is highly recommended by the CDC.  You can get a shot for a nasal spray.

The recommendation is for anyone over 6 months of age to get a vaccination. If you are over age 65 there are also three new vaccinations offered for the 2022-2023 flu season.  Talk to your doctor about the options.

There are some who should be careful about getting a flu vaccination.  Contact your doctor to confirm.  There can be issues with age, health (now or past) or allergies that might not work for you.

Private Home Health Care works with many people over the age of 65.   We know that nothing is guaranteed but taking precautions are important especially as we get older.


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Older Driver Awareness Week

Back in 2009 the American Occupational Therapy Association started this week.  The group thought that it’s important for all of us to be aware of and help keep safe the older drivers that we know and love.

According to the CDC there are over 44 million of us over the age of 65 in the US.  You may have someone over 65 in your life now.  As you age, your body changes. Your reflexes, sight and hearing can be affected.

Likewise, when you drive you feel independent because you can take care of yourself.  Consequently, independence can help keep a person happy and active. With all this in mind, the week is dedicated to making sure the older drivers in your life are traveling safely.

You should check in and see if the driver knows the following safety tips?  Ask them:

  • Do you remember all the rules of the road to obey?
  • If possible, can you try not to drive at night?
  • Can you avoid driving in bad weather?
  • Do you have a route to follow?
  • You don’t drink and drive right?  (that applies to all of us!)
  • Do you get your vision checked once a year?

You can talk to them to make sure they are not afraid to drive. It doesn’t have to be scary, especially if the driver is careful and watchful.

Private Home Health Care knows many seniors who have chosen to drive locally.  This week we hope that you can take some time to check on an elderly driver.  Make sure they are aware of ways to stay safe while driving.  It’s a responsibility we all share for the greater good in our community. 


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National Mousse Day

On this last day of November we are feeling a bit tempted by a little devil sitting on our shoulder.  It’s National Mousse Day. Do we write about this yummy but not necessarily one hundred percent healthy food?

Private Home Health Care has decided that yes we will.  Every once in a while we need to stray a bit from our healthy diet and enjoy something delicious. That little devil won this round.

The word mousse is French for “foam”.  Some say mousse originated from France in the 1700’s from a master confectioner.  There may be some other origins as well but that works for us!

Usually you use egg whites to give the mousse a light and fluffy texture but that’s not your only option.  A mousse can also be savory and very creamy.  We are thinking of a salmon or smoked salmon mouse for example.

You may find recipes to use mousse in pastries and parfaits.  That sounds even more decadent doesn’t it??  Additionally, try topping off the mousse with a light and fluffy whipped cream.  Perfection with a chocolate mousse.  Add chocolate shavings and it’s complete.

Julia Child of course has a recipe but boy is it a lot of work. Private Home Health Care found a chocolate mousse recipe that’s not too tricky.  Because we just can’t help ourselves, the recipe is easy and a bit healthier.  Try this one and don’t give way to guilt. Enjoy it!  

Here you go:

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Spinach and Squash Month

The month of November highlights delicious spinach and squash.   We have talked about the versatility and health benefits of spinach so we turn today to squash.

You will find a Native American root in the word squash.  It means raw or uncooked vegetables.  That’s an interesting derivative since the various forms of squash come from a flower and contain seeds so they are considered a fruit.

Two kinds of squash come to mind, summer and winter.  Winter squash has the harder shell which comes from growing on a vine.  You can easily find acorn, spaghetti, butternut and kabocha in grocery stores at all times of year.  Try steaming it, roasting it or in a smooth puree.

Look at the health benefits you’ll see in squash. You’ll find vitamins, minerals and antioxidants:

Vitamin C – these can slow macular degeneration and help prevent cataracts

Vitamin B6 – this vitamin can help fight off depression

Beta-carotene – good to help protect your skin, but don’t over consume

In addition:  magnesium, calcium, iron and Vitamin A

Squash is low in calories and carbohydrates.  One cup of butternut squash has only 63 calories and 16 carbs.  That sounds like a healthy food to add to your diet.

Private Home Health Care loves all kinds of squash.  We love to make butternut squash soup and enjoy it with a fresh piece of wheat bread.  Try one squash or try them all and enjoy the great taste and health benefits!

Here is a link to a butternut soup recipe:

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