Intergenerational Day
The inspiration for Intergenerational Day came from a teacher in British Columbia, Canada in 2009. The love, care and respect of elders was being taught to students and the idea caught on.
Young people and the elderly can have a wide gap in interactions. This day was created to highlight the importance of spending time with the seniors in our lives.
As you age there can be less activities to keep you busy. There are not as many goals for you on a day-to-day basis. This can lead to loneliness, anxiety and depression. Spending time with someone younger can help change your feelings from negative to positive ones.
For you the younger person, connecting with a senior can help you understand different life experiences. It can give you more empathy towards others. A senior citizen has many experiences to share. Simple connections are so helpful in making a person feel needed and happy.
You don’t need a big celebration. You can visit and spend time with someone in a nursing home. Try listening to stories, playing a game or making a craft. Simple activities can help with positive connections for everyone.
Private Home Health Care continues to respect the older generations we serve. We strive to make everyone feel cared for and respected on this day and every day.
Posted in: Healthcare
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