Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is defined by the Mayo Clinic as “a chronic inflammatory disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs.”
COPD symptoms include a cough, breathing difficulty, mucus production and wheezing. Smoking is the leading cause of the disease.
COPD is progressive. The good news is that there are ways to treat it. Proper treatments can help with breathing difficulties. They can add to your quality of life. Treatment can also help to avoid and reduce other associated conditions.
You need to work with your doctor to diagnose the disease. He or she can help to determine the best treatment for you.
- Stop smoking – if you are a smoker try to find a way to stop. There are nicotine replacements and smoking cessation programs to help you.
- Inhalers – inhalers make breathing easier. There are short- and long-acting medications.
- Inhaled steroids – there are some potential side effects to these.
- Combination inhalers – a combination of inhalers and inhaled steroids
- Oral steroids – you would look into these options if your COPD becomes severe. Caution is needed with these medications for long-term use.
Lung Therapies are an option for you if the disease becomes severe.
Oxygen Therapy – additional oxygen supplied to your lungs. There are many different devices that allow you flexibility. You can find what is right for you.
Pulmonary Rehab Program – experts can help you find what is best for you. They can offer you education, exercise options, nutrition advice and counseling.
Private Home Health Care understands that COPD can be a difficult disease. We also know of the many good medical options for a good quality of life. We encourage visits to your doctor to determine what is best for you.
Posted in: Healthcare
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