National Day of Encouragement
Have you ever needed words of encouragement to help you through a situation? I can think of many times that a kind and encouraging word has helped me.
The idea of a national day of encouragement was actually started in 2007 in Arkansas. Young people came up with the idea at a National Leadership Forum. These young people felt like a lack of encouragement was one of the biggest issues facing them.
The mayor of their town, then the Arkansas Governor issued a proclamation. Consequently President George Bush signed a document and then Congress made it an official day in 2011.
The day of September 12 was chosen to follow the sad day of September 11th In order to help console us. Offering words of encouragement to people around us creates a positive impact. You can support someone and make them happy with a few positive words.
Have you ever noticed someone struggling with an issue or an activity they are trying to do? Try motivating by lending a helping hand or by sharing supportive words. You may have a family member that is going through a hard time. Spend time with them or give them a call and listen and encourage them. A few encouraging words can change a person’s outlook.
Pope John Paull II was someone who offered words of encouragement in a very difficult situation. There was a man who tried to harm him back in 1981. The Pope spoke out and publicly forgave him. Those are the ultimate encouraging (and forgiving) words.
Private Home Health Care knows how important encouraging words can be to someone. Try to pass the encouragement along today and as many other days as you can. You might find it becomes a habit!
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