AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Influenza Vaccination Week

The first week in December has been designated by the CDC as National Influenza Vaccination Week.

A recent flu season had as many as 49 million Americans ill.  You can expect to have symptoms of fatigue, fever, chills, sweats, aching muscles and a headache.  You generally just feel basically awful.

Generally, flu season starts to hit in October but it peaks December through February.  Early December is a perfect time to get protected.

While it’s not unusual for a large number of people to get the flu each year, you will find that it affects people differently.  You could end up in bed for a number of days or in the hospital.  Complications from the flu can lead to bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, ear infections or worsening of an existing medical condition.

You can find many studies on the flu and because of these the flu shot is highly recommended by the CDC.  You can get a shot for a nasal spray.

The recommendation is for anyone over 6 months of age to get a vaccination. If you are over age 65 there are also three new vaccinations offered for the 2022-2023 flu season.  Talk to your doctor about the options.

There are some who should be careful about getting a flu vaccination.  Contact your doctor to confirm.  There can be issues with age, health (now or past) or allergies that might not work for you.

Private Home Health Care works with many people over the age of 65.   We know that nothing is guaranteed but taking precautions are important especially as we get older.


Posted in: Healthcare

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