AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Conditions that Mimic Breast Cancer

Private Home Health Care is continuing today with our discussion around breast cancer awareness.

Today we are focusing on some conditions that could mimic breast cancer. 

You could have any of the following symptoms and they could very well be benign:

Fibroadenoma – You would feel something firm and rubbery and the size of a marble.  It should not hurt. If it changes or grows you may need a biopsy. It is often a benign tumor.  

Intraductal Papilloma – this type of benign tumor is wart-like and usually found near milk ducts.  You may feel a small lump behind your nipple or next to it.  It could lead to some discharge, either clear or bloody. These can be removed by surgery if needed.

Fibrosis and Cysts – Fibrosis is when your breasts thicken and there is a rubbery or firmness you feel.  A cyst is a small bump that is moveable and full of liquid.  Depending on the liquid your doctor may want to run a test.  If either causes discomfort your doctor can advise you to relieve it.

Mastitis – if you are breastfeeding you could develop mastitis.  Your breast could become warm, red and very sore.  You may even run a fever.  There are antibiotics available for this.

Fat Necrosis – is a very damaged fatty tissue in your breast due to injury.  There could also be blood loss.  Your skin around the area may look red or bruised.  These are harmless but could cause discomfort.

Private Home Health Care shared this information because we believe awareness is key to good health.  Be sure to reach out to your medical professional if you have any questions.

Posted in: Healthcare

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