AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Love People Day

National Love People Day began fairly recently in 2017 and is always on September 30.  The focus of the day is giving love with your whole heart and expecting nothing in return.

Easy right?  I bet a lot of you give of yourselves every day and perhaps you don’t even realize it.  Do you listen to someone telling a story?  Do you try to help a neighbor?  Do you buy a cup of coffee for a friend? 

Any random act of kindness will do.  The world needs us to be kind to each other now. Life goes by so quickly.  We run into people every day in our lives so there are many opportunities to show kindness.  Trying to be nice can be very invigorating for everyone involved. You can do it without spending any money too.

Private Home Health Care would like to leave you with a poem from an anonymous author.  We couldn’t have said it better.

Kind Hearts

by Anonymous

Kind hearts are the gardens,

Kind thoughts are the roots,

Kind words are the blossoms,

Kind deeds are the fruits:

Love is the sweet sunshine

That warms into life,

For only in darkness

Grow hatred and strife.

Posted in: Healthcare

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