AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Chair Yoga for Mental Health

Today we are going to focus on mental health – social isolation and the stress of COVID is not easy for anyone. Taking care of our mental health is especially important now, and chair yoga is a great way to alleviate stress and gently strengthen the body.

Remember, Private Home Care is here to help! We are happy to provide assistance in any way, no task is too large or too small. Call us at 781-639-8696 or email at

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Caring for Your Community

Life has definitely been a little hectic for everyone these past few weeks. By now, we all personally know at least one person who has been affected by the corona virus. This pandemic has taken a strain on communities all over the world. The most important thing is that it brought these communities together. We need to look out for each other and tend to those who need help more than ourselves, and while those who are vulnerable to COVID-19 need support, we cannot forget about those suffering with other illnesses during this time. People who are suffering with mental illness, cancer, and other medical conditions still need our help and it’s vital that we provide them with it.

While providing time and resources to corona virus patients and causes are extremely important, we cannot prioritize the well being of one sick person over another. Throughout this pandemic and continuing afterwards, we can reach out to those in our community that need our help. Reaching out into your community and offering help is a great way to support those in need, even something as small as posting on Facebook can go a long way. There are many ways to reach out. You can donate to local charities or reach out to people in your community directly to check in on them. Everyone can help in some way. If you cannot donate money you can donate your time by volunteering with service groups in your area.

Together we have the strength to overcome anything. Our power lies in our connections and our communications. It’s important for us to find solace in each other during these difficult times and it is even more important that we do not exclude anyone in need of help. Together, we have the strength to overcome almost any challenge that comes our way. We have to remember to take care of one another not only because it is the right thing to do, but because good things come to those who give.

Written by Alex Kapantais

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It’s Time to Celebrate!

In times like these, it can often be difficult to find things to celebrate. But, just because you are stuck at home, that doesn’t mean you can’t find little accomplishments and events to celebrate. Whether you finished a puzzle or finally finished binge-watching that one show you never got around to finishing, it’s an opportunity to honor your accomplishments!

If it’s one of those days where it’s difficult to find something to commemorate, here are four things going on today to be happy about!

1. National Bulldog Day

That’s right, it’s national bulldog day! If you have one of these furry friends, today is the day to celebrate them! Dogs are man’s best friend and the best company to have during self-isolation.

2. National Kindergarten Day

After the past few weeks, many parents can now put “teacher” on their official resume. During times like these we must remember to celebrate the wonderful parents and teachers dedicating their time to helping the kids.

3. National Tea Day

Put the kettle on because it’s National Tea Day! Grab your favorite mug,  a cozy blanket, and your favorite herbal tea, sit back and relax. 

4. National Keep Off the Grass Day

This one is particularly easy to celebrate this year. Stay inside, stay safe, stay healthy, and – most importantly – stay off the grass!

Written by: Alex Kapantais

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CBD and Medical Marijuana – Weeding Out the Truth

CBD and Medical Marijuana – Weeding Out the Truth

Today, 4/20, is National Weed Day. It is also the day we address the current health buzzwords: CBD and Medical Marijuana. Note: like any medication or treatment, we highly recommend that you consult with your doctor first.

What is the difference?

Medical Marijuana contains THC, which is the main psychoactive compound in marijuana that gives the ‘high’ or ‘stoned’ sensation. It can be consumed by smoking marijuana. It’s also available in oils, edibles, tinctures, capsules, and more. Medical Marijuana can be used to treat a host of conditions, including pain, arthritis, glaucoma, nausea (especially in cancer patients), weight loss, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, anxiety, insomnia, and more.   

CBD is extracted from hemp or marijuana, and only contains trace amounts of THC (less than 0.3 percent). CBD has many of the same medical benefits as THC, except CBD is a non psychoactive compound, which means it does not cause the euphoric ‘high’. Some people prefer to use CBD because of the lack of side effects commonly experienced with THC, and for its lowered probability to show up in drug tests. “CBD has gained popularity due to its low likelihood of side effects,” According to a report from the World Health Organization, “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”

CBD is sold in the form of gels, salves, creams, gummies, oils, supplements, extracts, and more. Some forms are even available over the counter at drug stores. CBD has solidified scientific evidence for treating epilepsy, and in addition to the benefits of THC it treats migraines, eases depression and psychosis, and chronic pain.   

The legality of both Medical Marijuana and CBD varies from state to state, and in many cases is still being studied before it can be fully backed by the FDA.

A moderate and popular way of using CBD is through topical treatments such as creams, gels and salves to alleviate joint pain, arthritis, chronic pain, muscle pain, eczema, psoriasis, inflammation, and related conditions. However, buyer beware – not all products are marketed accurately and may contain less percentage of CBD. The best way is to consult with a doctor, or a licensed health professional who is familiar with cannabis treatments.     

Private Home Care is a proponent for the responsible and safe use of medical and health treatment options, both conventional and alternative (for example – treating nausea with pepto bismol or ginger tea – or both!). Always consult with your doctor before starting any new treatment, especially medical marijuana or CBD. 

To Your Good Health!

-Private Home Care Inc.

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A HUGE thank you to all of our incredible and professional caregivers who have not skipped a beat to provide exceptional home care even under difficult circumstances!

Private Home Care President Mary Demakes has been a registered nurse for over 40 years, and meticulously manages the highest standard of sanitation, safety measures and protective equipment for our dear clients. Our caregivers have gone above and beyond to show the upmost dedication and commitment to the health, safety, and happiness of our clients. That is why clients rate Private Home Care as ” ‘Three Michelin Star’ home health care.” ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Private Home Care is here for you and your loved ones during these trying times, no task is too large or too small. Call us at 781-639-8696 or email

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Help Support Children With Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Want to join me in making a difference? I’m raising money to benefit The Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation, Inc, any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.

OI is a rare and complex genetic disorder of the collagen that is often characterized by fragile bones. Individuals wih OI may experience hundreds of fractures over a lifetime. The two girls in the photo (ages 2 and 4) grew up in full body casts due to their condition. With your donation, you will help support the OI Foundation’s mission and programs to help OI families across the country.

More information about The Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation, Inc: The Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation, Inc. (OI Foundation) is the only voluntary national health organization dedicated to helping people cope with the problems associated with osteogenesis imperfecta. The Foundation’s mission is to improve the quality of life for people affected by OI through research to find treatments and a cure, education, awareness, and mutual support.

GoFundMe Link:

Written by: Alex Kapantais

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5 Steps to Make Sure You Are Prepared for COVID-19

To keep yourself and those you care about safe during this outbreak, make sure to follow these preventative and proactive steps!

1. Know the symptoms.
Symptoms of the Corona-virus include fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, and chest pain. If you or a family member have experienced any or all of these symptoms, it is recommended to stay home. By catching the symptoms early, you can help stop the spread of the virus.

2. Take preventative steps.
Frequent hand washing, social distancing, wearing a mask while in public, and not touching your face are four major ways you can keep yourself healthy. These are important factors in keeping yourself and those around you safe from the virus.

3. Prepare your home for illness.
Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, taking off masks and gloves worn outside, and making sure you have enough cough and cold suppressants are great ways to keep your home virus-free.

4. What do you do if someone in your home is sick?
After contacting your primary care physician and following their prescribed guidelines, some safety precautions you my take are keeping a safe distance from those infected as well as disinfecting and washing all items used by the sick resident.

5. Prepare a “grab-and-go” hospitalization kit for those at an increased risk of becoming sick.
For the elderly and immunocompromised, it is important to be prepared for immediate hospitalization as the symptoms of the virus can be life threatening. Packing a hospital bag that includes a journal of personal and medical information as well as any pre-existing medical conditions or medications taken can help medical services aid you more quickly.

For more information regarding COVID-19 in Massachusetts, feel free to contact your personal primary care physician or visit For any other information regarding COVID-19, you may refer to the Centers for Disease Control at

Written by Alex Kapantais

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Here TO Help

Here TO Help

Private Home Care is always here to help, especially during COVID-19. We provide a wide array of services for the elderly, including grocery shopping, assisting with appointments, medication pickups, check-ins, overnight stays and anything else that can ease stress and help your peace of mind. We commit to the highest standards of health and safety precaution for your loved ones. We ensure the best comprehensive care for all of our valued clients.

Call us today at 781-639-8696 or email

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National K9 Veteran’s Day

Today is National K9 Veterans Day! On this day we honor and commemorate the service and sacrifices of American military and working dogs.

K9’s serve in many different ways, such as rescue missions, bomb detection, and drug sniffing. It is very beneficial for soldiers to be reunited with their dogs after their service. Dogs can also be tremendously helpful for wounded soldiers as guide dogs or emotional support dogs.

At Professional Home Care we also utilize dogs (toy form) because they have been proven to help Alzheimer’s patients!

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Pack Your Lunch Day!

Pack Your Lunch Day!

Today is National Pack Your Lunch Day! Private Home Care prefers to pack our own lunches because it is much healthier!

Packing your own lunch is great for your nutrition goals. Brown bagging it lets you control food portions and you know exactly what is in your food. It helps promote weight loss because eating a healthy homemade lunch instead of restaurant food can help you cut hundreds of calories a week!

Packing your lunch also saves you money, which you can use towards investing further in your health and wellness (such as a golf retreat in Hawaii!).

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