National Apple Pie And Frog Jumping Day

Today is National Apple Pie Day and National Frog Jumping Day!
The first ever apple pie recipe was from England in 1381! Even though apple pie is originally from England, it has been one of America’s favorite desserts for generations. Teddy Roosevelt was surprised when he was served an American apple pie while abroad in Africa, and soldiers in World War II said they were fighting for “mom and apple pie”. When people started focusing on being more healthy, apple pie was considered a healthier pie.
In 1865 Mark Twain published a short story called “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” about a frog jumping competition. This competition started in Calaveras County, California in 1849. The record for highest frog jump was set by Rosie the Ribeter in 1986. She jumped 21 feet 5 and 3/4 inches. Frog jumping competitions have been happening all over the country for years. There are still some happening in Michigan, Florida and Idaho each year!
Lets all celebrate these national days together. Celebrate National Apple Pie Day by baking an apple pie with your family. Post it online with the recipe for others to make as well. Celebrate National Frog Jumping Day by going in your yard and finding frogs to see how high they jump. If you can’t find any frogs look up videos of frog jumping competitions to watch. What a great way to spend time with your family while we all stay inside and social distance!
Posted in: Healthcare
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