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Communicating through Art Therapy for Alzheimer’s Patients

Communicating through Art Therapy for Alzheimer’s Patients

Improved communication can be the most widespread and important benefit from art therapy for Alzheimer’s patients. Experts say that creative expression, especially for those who no longer have the ability to community verbally, ‘remains an important part of the human experience’.

As verbal language declines, patients can express themselves freely through art that they may not have otherwise been able to. Art therapy was found to be effective especially when treating emotional and behavioral challenges. It helps Alzheimer’s patients to express thoughts and feelings in a healthy way and let go of some negative emotions. Even if the person with Alzheimer’s cannot remember creating the art, they are creating meaning and enjoyable moments.

At Private Home Care we understand the obstacles and challenges of losing the ability to communicate for both the Alzheimer’s patient as well as for their family. We are here to educate, support, and take the best care of your loved ones. Art therapy may be a great tool to help!

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Compassion is at the Heart of Our Care

At Private Home Care we are very proud to say that “Compassion is at the Heart of Our Care”. Through 45 years of experience in the home care industry, we understand first hand how important compassion is for our clients and their families.

But what exactly is compassion? The word compassion can be defined as “the emotion that one feels in response to the suffering of others that motivates a desire to help”. Compassion is similar to empathy in that they both require the ability to see and understand another’s suffering, but compassion goes a step further and prompts the yearning and motivation to alleviate suffering in others. 

Compassion has three parts: the emotion that one feels, which in response to the suffering of others, and which motivates a desire to help. 

Why is it important in healthcare? Until recently, the formal role of compassion in healthcare has been overlooked. Recent scientific studies confirm what Private Home Care has been practicing and known intuitively for decades: that compassion is crucial for positive outcomes in medical care and home care. Dr Stephen Trzeciak found evidence-based effects of the importance of compassion in healthcare.

What is the evidence?

  • Compassionate providers are more meticulous with care
  • Psychological benefits: compassion can help prevent or limit stress-mediated disease, and can help regulate the patients’ experience of pain
  • For diabetic patients: there is evidence that high levels of compassion can result in 80% higher odds of optimal blood sugar control!
  • Proven immune system effects: even with the common cold, patients who reported high levels of compassion from healthcare providers had decreased severity of symptoms and a faster recovery. 
  • Compassion helps ease anxiety and lower stress levels for not only the patient, but for their family as well! 
  • Compassion can even impact patient self-care! If patients feel that they are cared about, they more be more likely to take their medicine (!) and have more positive outlooks.
  • High levels of compassion towards patients or clients has been indicated to reduce hospitalizations. 
  • Stanford study found that you only need 40 seconds of compassion to make a meaningful difference 
  • For healthcare providers, compassion for others can have a positive effect on their own well being and encourage positive emotions!

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National Wear Red Day!

National Wear Red Day!

February is American Heart Month. Heart disease and stroke accounts for 1 in 3 deaths of women every year, claiming over 500,000 lives. The American Heart Association created National Wear Red Day on the first Friday in February to raise awareness of heart disease and in women. This is because in the past heart disease and stroke have typically been associated with men, so research and treatment guidelines have been for men as well. This has been detrimental to women because the risk factors and symptoms for heart disease can manifest differently in women. Private Home Care proudly wears red today to support National Wear Red Day in honor of women’s heart health. We support this movement and hope to empower women to take charge of their heart health!

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Cancer Prevention Tips!

Cancer Prevention Tips!

Did you know what more than 1/3 of all cancer cases are preventable?!

Top cancer institutes such as the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the World Cancer Research Fund International recommend these cancer prevention tips:

  • Engage in regular physical activity
  • Do not smoke or quit immediately
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Eat a nutrient-rich diet with plenty of healthy carbohydrates, lean unprocessed meats, fruits, and veggies
  • Limit intake of processed foods, especially those high in salt, fat, starches or sugar
  • Limit consumption of processed and red meats
  • Moderate alcohol consumption
  • Get regular checkups with your doctor
  • Wear sunscreen (even if it is not sunny outside!) and practice sun safety habits
  • Get immunized
  • Practice Safe Sex
  • Know your family health history

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World Cancer Day

Today, February 4th, is World Cancer Day. Private Home Care wholeheartedly supports the fight against cancer. It is so important to stay informed about health, and today we are focusing on cancer. We have all heard of it, but what is the medical definition and what exactly is happening? Let’s break it down:

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a broad term, and it is a disease that results with uncontrolled cell growth and division. Cells have specific functions and set lifespans, so cell death is part of a natural and beneficial process called apoptosis.

When a cell receives instructions to die, the body replaces it with a newer cell that can function better. However, cancerous cells lack that component that instructs them to stop dividing and to die. As a result, they build up in the body and use oxygen and nutrients that would otherwise nourish healthy cells.

Some types of cancer cause rapid growth of cells, and others cause cells to divide and grow at a slower rate. Other forms of cancer, such as leukemia, do not form tumors. 

Certain forms of cancerous cells can form tumors, impair the immune system and cause other changes that keep the body from functioning regularly. Cancer cells may begin or appear in one area and spread via the lymph nodes, which are clusters of immune cells throughout the body.

Private Health Care is dedicated to #healthyliving and #healtheducation and living #cancerfree

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Pet Therapy

Pet Therapy

Today, February 3rd, is National Golden Retriever Day!

Pet therapy is a wonderful thing for aging populations, including those with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Pets are calming, soothing and fun. They provide companionship, ease feelings of loneliness and aggression, and promote overall well being. They help individuals feel useful and that they have a purpose – to care for their pet! Pet therapy can even improve nutrition – a 2002 study showed that when those with dementia or Alzheimer’s were exposed to pet therapy (fish, dogs, cats, and toy companions) their nutrition improved and they gained weight. Private Home Care encourages low maintenance toy companions – you get all of the benefits of a pet without any of the mess!

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Post Super Bowl Detox

Post Super Bowl Detox

Private Home Care hopes that everyone enjoyed the Superbowl! We understand that we all overeat and drink sometimes, and the Super Bowl is no exception. Here are some tips to beat the bloat, clear the brain fog, and get back on track! #health #brainhealth #nutrition

  1. Drink plenty of water with lemon. Flush out your system and re-hydrate!
  2. Get rid of leftovers so you are not tempted to continue eating unhealthy foods.
  3. Eat fiber-rich foods for breakfast like oatmeal that will help you stay feeling full. 
  4. Eat lean proteins like eggs or chicken soup to help you feel re energized.
  5. Antioxidants!! Consume plenty of fruits and veggies rich in antioxidants like kale, berries and tomatoes.

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Puzzles Can Help Prevent or Delay Dementia or Alzheimer’s!

Puzzles Can Help Prevent or Delay Dementia or Alzheimer’s!

National Puzzle Day was January 29th! Doing puzzles is a great exercise for your brain, and scientific studies have even shown that having lifelong experience doing puzzles may help delay or prevent the onset dementia or Alzheimer’s. The study also indicated that those already with mild to severe Alzheimer’s who did puzzles twice a week showed improved scores on memory and cognition tests! They also reported having a better quality of life. Some benefits of puzzles include:

  • Feeling good about accomplishing a puzzle
  • Doing puzzles can a kind of meditation, where you are focusing, relaxed and breathing. Meditation has proven overall health benefits.
  • Positive social interaction (teamwork!) when doing puzzles with others. Puzzles are fun for those of all ages, so it can be a whole family activity too
  • Helps increase visual perception and memory
  • Practice fine motor skills
  • Accessible for all those with physical limitations
  • You can do a puzzle any time of year, inside or outside!

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January is Bath Safety Month

January is Bath Safety Month

January is Bath Safety Month! At Private Home Care we prioritize safety and well being. We encourage and teach awareness of bath safety. Did you know:

  • 80% of falls in the house occur in the bathroom
  • Over 200,000 people are injured in their bathrooms annually
  • -1 in 4 people over the aged 65+ slip and fall every year
  • -Safety experts recommend bar installations for bath/shower and toilet → many people try to hold onto things like a towel rack but it is not sturdy enough and they can fall.
  • -Place slip-resistant mats in the shower and on the bathroom floor
  • -Easy access to toiletries – stretching and reaching can cause falls. Handheld shower heads are also recommended.
  • -Bathroom safety products and equipment are readily available at pharmacies and hardware stores.

More tips:

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January is National Soup Month

January is National Soup Month

January is National Soup Month! Who doesn’t love soup?! It is the perfect dish for cold winter weather. There are so many flavors and choices, and it is easy to eat. Most soups freeze well so you can save some for later! We love soup for lunch at Private Home Care on cold days (especially lentil soup!).

Eating soup helps you feel fuller with fewer calories, and it is a great way to consume more vegetables. Grab a spoon and dig into some soup!

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