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Martin Luther King Jr.

Today, Private Home Health Care honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  

Dr. King was a man of peace who stood up against racism and segregation without violence.  He was very charismatic and a wonderful speaker.  He believed that all people, no matter the color of their skin, were created equal.  

He began as a Baptist minister in the South.  He had a small following that grew with his speeches.  His righteous movement was driven by faith and led by civil disobedience without violence.  

Dr King was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and spoke on the right to vote, desegregation and basic civil rights for people of color.  He helped organize the Montgomery Alabama bus boycott and nonviolent protests in Birmingham, Alabama.

His highly memorable “I Have a Dream” speech was delivered on the Washington Mall in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial.  There were thousands of people in attendance. 

This truly faith-filled and amazing man’s life ended when he was only 39 years old but his life and inspiration live to this day.

On this day, we laud Dr. Martin King Jr. and his peaceful quest for equality for all people.

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National Gluten-Free Day

Gluten.  These days you hear about Gluten quite a bit.  There are gluten-free options in restaurants, in grocery stores and there is a lot of information on the web too.

Why is it so important?  There are somewhere between 2.5 and 3 million people that have an allergy to gluten and it can cause major issues with your body.

What exactly is gluten?  Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and triticale.  Triticale is a cross between wheat and rye.  Amazingly gluten is found in many foods that we all eat. Foods like baked goods, breads, soups, pastas, cereals, salad dressings, food coloring, malt, and beer.

Celiac’s disease is an autoimmune disease.  It is hereditary.  If you have celiac’s disease gluten is a trigger to your digestive system.  This causes damage to your small intestine. If unchecked it can lead to additional health issues.

When you eat at a restaurant you need to take precautions.  Food cooked for you should be cooked separately from other meals so that gluten is not transferred to your meal.

An allergy to gluten can be challenging but there is good news.  People with these allergies are creating a need and therefore a growing market.  The younger generations are also opting for  a gluten-free diet. Companies are discovering a growing market which is good for business too.

How to celebrate National Gluten-Free Day?  Try inviting a friend to lunch for a gluten-free lunch, take photos and then post them to social media.  You can also try to make a gluten-free recipe.  Coconut flour or rice flour can be very tasty in a recipe!

Private Home Health Care understands issues around gluten.  We hope that you can find more helpful information around great gluten-free foods!

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Paget’s Awareness Day

Today’s blog is to raise awareness on Paget’s Disease.  

A bit of history . . .

Sir James Paget was a British surgeon and surgical pathologist who worked at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in London. This was in the 1800’s.  Paget is known for finding the parasite that causes trichinosis.  In addition, he discovered this disease of bone tissue.

Your bone tissue usually has old bone tissue replaced with new.  A sign of Paget’s disease is when this pattern gets disrupted.  This disruption causes an excessive breakdown of bone tissue weakening and excessive bone formation.

If you have this disease your bones can become deformed and brittle so they can fracture.  The most common parts of the body affected are the spine, skull, pelvis and femur.

Some Statistics  . . .

This disease affects about 2%-7% of people in Western Europe and North America who are of Northern European descent.  It usually affects people over the age of 55.   Asian or African descent are not usually affected.

Some helpful information  . . .

There are no known cures for Paget’s disease of the bone but there are some medications that can inhibit bone cell activity.  You should get regular exercise and make sure you take adequate daily amounts of calcium and Vitamin D.

In 1973, a British woman named Ann Stansfield founded Paget’s Association.  Her husband contracted the disease and she wanted to raise awareness.  The other goals of this UK charity is to get research funds and offer support to those with the disease.   

Private Home Health Care is thankful that this disease does not affect a lot of people but we believe it is important to share information.  There are those who must deal with it however and we believe knowledge is always better.  

Here is a link to the Paget’s Association:

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Worldle – A New Game

Private Home Health Care blogged about Worldle for words last year.  There is a new Worldle game that has become wildly popular.  

It’s called Worldle for Countries.  Instead of trying to guess a word, you have to guess the country shown.

Here’s how the game is played:

You can play this game in five languages:  English, Portuguese, Spanish (Espanol) and German (Deutsch).  You can play it on your phone, iPad or computer.

Each country in the game is a real country in the world. 

First, you are shown a black and white outline of the country.

You have five chances to guess the correct one.

When you enter the name of the country and make a guess you see green and orange tiles.  These tiles will tell you how geographically close your guess is to the actual country pictured.

You have to think about how close or far your guess is.  You’ll also know how far it is North, South, East or West.  It’s a great test for your brain!

Hmmm . . .

We wonder if you can guess the countries who play this game the best? It is based on the average number of guesses it takes people to complete the game.   It might be surprising to you:

#1 Sweden – average time to complete the puzzle – 3.72

#2 Switzerland – 3.78

#3 Poland – 3.79

Best score for an English speaking country is Australia and they are tied with Belgium with a score of 3.83.

Here is a link to the game if you’d like to try it: 

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National Bean Day

On this National Bean Day we would like to celebrate the mighty beans and their health benefits.

There are so many different varieties of beans like soy, black beans, pinto and white beans.  In general, beans are a healthy option.  They are high in antioxidants, and they have a low glycemic index rating so they are good if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic.

In addition, beans have both soluble and insoluble fiber.  Soluble fiber helps with your digestive system.  Insoluble fiber shows positive signs of helping reduce the risk of some cancers and helping to reduce heart disease.  You can thank the phytonutrients found in beans for these.

You can add beans to so many recipes!  They are delicious in soups and salads.  You can use them to make black bean burgers and even black bean brownies.  Very tasty!

Private Home Health Care loves beans.  We especially like Boston baked beans.  They are easy to make and they carry lots of nutrients like plant protein, fiber, B vitamins and minerals.  

We have a homemade Boston baked beans recipe to share with you. They are easy to make and this recipe makes enough for a meal for many people.  Leftovers freeze great!

Here is the recipe:

2 lbs. White navy beans

2 tsp. Dried mustard

1 c. molasses (scant)

4 Tbsp. brown sugar (you can use Swerve brown sugar to reduce sugar)

Wash the beans and then soak them overnight in water.  In the morning, drain the beans and put new water in just to cover and cook them on the stove over medium heat.  When you can blow on a couple of beans and the skin starts to crack they are done.  

Place a small whole onion in the bottom of a slow cooker.  Pour in the beans.  Add the dried mustard, molasses and brown sugar.  Cover the beans with water so they are fully immersed.  Cook on high until there is steaming, then change to low.  Cook for approximately five hours, checking intermittently to be sure some water is always covering the beans.  

You can also cook these in a bean pot in the oven.  If you do, you’ll want to follow the bean post directions.

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National Spaghetti Day

It’s National Spaghetti Day so time to bring out your favorite spaghetti and have a nice bowl for dinner!  You could have it with a nice red sauce, a pesto or a yummy alfredo sauce to name a few.

Did you know that we saw an estimate online that there were over 300 different types of pastas?  That’s just crazy right?  Spaghetti is one of those and within it there are many different types too.

It’s also unclear how the pasta came to be.  Did it start in China?  Did it start in Italy?   Who knows for sure but in the end does it really matter?  Pasta is a great option if you’d like to have a meatless meal.

Spaghetti is one of the simpler pastas to make because you simply roll and cut the dough.  We aren’t recommending you make it yourself but it’s one reason it is plentiful in stores.  

If you want to be extra healthy there are whole wheat spaghettis and also spaghetti made from chickpeas.  Both of these spaghetti are better for anyone dealing with diabetes or pre-diabetes.

There are stores that carry fresh pasta and while it might be a bit more expensive it is extra delicious.  Look for different sauces there too.

Whatever type of spaghetti you choose and whatever sauce, remember that you can always add vegetables to up the nutrition.  Let your creative side lead the way and eat the vegetables that you like.  Add a nice salad with a homemade dressing.  You’ll have a very nutritious and delicious mea.

Private Home Health Care says mangia!

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January 4: National Can-Do Day

National Can-Do Day is celebrated on January 4 every year. This is a day to take a realistic account of what a person is able to accomplish through hard work and dedication. National Can-Do Day emphasizes achieving all the possible goals and doable tasks in one’s life. It encourages us to do things we are capable of doing and that we always dreamt of. It motivates us to concentrate on our strengths and turn our dreams into a reality, through determination and willpower.  Coming into the New Year, with everyone making their resolutions and setting goals for this upcoming year, the “Can-Do” attitude us a big part in helping obtain those goals.

Man using scissors to remove the word can’t to read I can do it concept for self belief, positive attitude and motivation

National Can-Do is the brainchild of Adam Bremen, who suffers from cerebral palsy. He has been wheelchair-bound for most of his life, and had to expend a considerable effort to remain active. The spirit of National Can-Do Day celebrates awareness of self-efficacy along with a belief that everyone is truly capable of attaining wonderful things!

Private Home Health Care hopes you have set some positive goals for 2023 and beyond. We encourage you to use the Can-Do attitude to help you accomplish these goals. With a Can-Do attitude, you can set goals and accomplish your resolutions to live a happier and healthier life-style. This is a great mindset to have, and using a realistic view, can set goals that you can realistically achieve. You do not always need to have big, drastic goals, that may seem daunting and overwhelming at the start. With a Can-Do attitude and achievable goals in sight, you can make gradual progress, and when you look back, be able to see what you have accomplished.

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International Mind-Body Wellness Day

It’s the beginning of a new year so it makes sense that there would be a day for Mind-Body Wellness Day now.  The idea of mind body wellness has actually been around for thousands of years.

The oldest healing science began in India back in 3000-5000 BC and was called Ayurveda. The movement then moved to the Chinese and then the Greeks before it spread across the world.

Additionally, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, osteotherapy, chiropractic and Reiki are other areas of mind-body healing that have come on the scene over the years.

One area that is a hot topic currently is called mindfulness. You can find the practice of mindfulness in elementary, secondary and higher education. It’s even become popular in Corporate America.

You may have tried mindfulness exercises already or you may wonder what it’s all about.  Mindfulness is meditative moments to try and live in the here and now.  You let go of things from the past and you don’t worry about the future.

Mindfulness is a great way to be kind rather than critical of yourself.  It can help manage emotions and keeps your mind from wandering in different directions at once. 

You don’t need a lot of time.  You can practice mindfulness in 5-10 minutes if that’s all you have.  Longer time works too.  It’s up to you.  

You need to find a quiet place.  Sit and take deep breaths.  Focus on your breaths and quiet your mind.  You can play soothing music if that helps.  

The goal is to sit and pay attention to your feelings and emotions without judging them.  Let your mind go and see where your thoughts lead you.

You may discover something that has been subconsciously on your mind.  How will you deal with it?  Perhaps the session will help prepare to focus on work that needs to be done. The possibilities are endless.

Private Home Health Care hopes you can take some time to practice mindfulness.  It can be a great tool to quiet your mind and place you in a calm place.  You should feel less stressed if everything goes well.  That’s always a very nice place to be.

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It’s Almost Time  . . .

We are on the cusp of New Year’s Eve when we will look back on 2022 and look forward to the new year of 2023.  This is our last post of the year.

New Year’s Eve is a time when we often reflect on our lives and experiences over the past twelve months. 

What are your reflections on 2022?  Any happy experiences?  Did you travel to any exciting or fun places?  Any regrets or things you wished you had done differently?

Private Home Health Care is reflecting on how grateful we are for the people in our lives.  The patients we care for and the families we have helped. We are hopeful for the year ahead for our community and our country.

Whether you host or attend a new year’s eve party or you spend a quiet night at home we hope that you will feel peace and a hopeful joy.  We leave you with a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson.

 “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”

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National Playing Card Day

Do you like to play cards?  Are you a card shark?  It’s National Playing Card Day so today’s the day to play a game of cards with a friend!

We have the four suits of hearts, spades, clubs and diamonds thanks to the French back in the 1400’s. After the War of the Roses in 1462 the cards and suits spread to England and later Germany. No one actually knows for certain who originally thought of them!

Today you can get a deck of 24 or the more common 52 cards.  According to these are the top five most popular card games:

  1. Cribbage
  2. 500 Rum (also called Rummy 500)
  3. Poker
  4. Solitaire
  5. Hearts

You might also play Go Fish, Crazy Eights, War or Memory with younger or newer players.  These are always fun!

Part of the popularity of cards is the fact that you can take them anywhere.  They are also easy to set up and even though some require skill, you can just get lucky too. Don’t forget about magic tricks.  There are that entertain by doing magic with playing cards

If you want a budget friendly deck of cards that has been around a long time, you could try Bicycle brand cards.  The company has been making cards for over 130 years.  

Today, you can get them in all different brands like Back to the Future, Mythical or Tally-Ho.  So many fun times to be had by playing cards!!

Private Home Health Care hopes that this week you can find time to play whatever game of cards you enjoy.  Have a few laughs and relax!

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