National No Housework Day
This Sunday, April 8 is a fun national day and maybe a good day to do something enjoyable.
National No Housework Day is a day to relax, guilt free. A day for you to forget all about work that needs to be done around your room, your apartment, your condo or your house.
Perhaps you always do this on Sunday but for those of you who don’t make a change. You could try and get it all done on Saturday or maybe not!
There are so many ways to spend time on this Sunday rather than housework.
You can try and get caught up in a good book. Curl up in a chair or on your couch.
If you have kids, choose a game to play as a family.
Do you like to play cards? Gather a group and have some fun and laughs.
Catch up on that television series you have been hoping to watch.
Watch a new movie or revisit an old favorite.
You may need to use will power to ignore dust or dirty floors. Are they dishes in the sink? Don’t look. Tell yourself that it’s only for one day.
Truthfully, maybe the dishes are only for a day but the rest might be for a week but isn’t it worth it to take a day off?
Private Home Health Care likes to keep a clean house but this Sunday we are going to put our feet up and relax!
Posted in: Healthcare
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