What Do You Do When Your Day Turns Crazy?
Have you ever had a day that did not go exactly as you had planned?
At any given time this can happen to you? You start out your day just as you do every day.
You have breakfast, clean up and then head off to work.
It could be that you volunteer somewhere or you go to help someone so not exactly work, but the next thing on your list for the day.
When you get to your next stop you could find out that there is a need for extra coverage. Ok, that can be managed. You are a team player after all.
Your morning is different because you are helping out someplace else but all goes well. You head outside and suddenly someone goes off the rails. You need assistance and you have to make sure that everyone else is feeling safe.
One situation managed, on to the next task. Your schedule is broken up into little pieces and you work with people you are unfamiliar with for a couple of hours but again that goes well.
You return home, a bit depleted, but happy to have survived the day so far.
Oops! You remember you need to check on a friend’s cat and you have an appointment and then a dinner date. Time for an iced coffee, an allergy pill for the cat visit so you aren’t all teary eyed for your dinner.
Your visit with the cat goes well. Water changed, food refilled, litter box emptied, some play time. Head home to change for your appointment and dinner.
After dinner you head home and go straight to bed. How do you feel?
Do you feel overwhelmed by your day? Did you think about how flexible you were? Do you say a prayer that you don’t have to be “flexible” tomorrow?
Private Home Health Care has crazy days sometimes. Our motto is to do our best and keep on smiling! You can never know how life will be one day to the next but we are grateful for each day.
Posted in: Healthcare
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