All About Corn
It’s summer and the time of year for delicious ears of corn. It is appearing everywhere at many stores and if you grill or boil it can be so tasty.
The question is what does corn have to offer us for nutrients and should we be careful about how much we eat?
Corn on the cob is a summer treat but you can also find it frozen and canned as you probably realize. Additionally, corn is made into tortilla chips, polenta and of course popcorn to name a few things.
Overall as you might have guessed corn has many health benefits. Moderation is key to this vegetable and whole-grain if you are diabetic but it should still be enjoyed.
You’ll get your fill of carbs when you eat corn but calories are low and fiber is high. You’ll also get a small amount of protein from corn along with antioxidants which are always healthful.
Antioxidants include folate and good portions of magnesium, potassium and vitamins A and C. Corn is also gluten free!
If you eat corn regularly it will help with your digestion, aid in improving eye health and it helps protect your heart.
You do need to be careful about one form of corn and that’s when it’s turned into corn syrup.
Corn syrup is to be avoided and you have to be on the lookout for it as it’s used as a sweetener in a variety of foods. Cereals, breads, cookies and crackers use it and adding weight and sugar are two of the negative effects.
You and I are not the only ones who enjoy corn. It turns out that forty percent U.S. corn is used for fuel. Worldwide up to seventy percent of corn feeds animals.
Private Home Health Care enjoys cooking on the grill and eating an ear or two of fresh corn. It’s one of the best parts of summer but we also keep it frozen to enjoy in the winter months.
Posted in: Healthcare
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