AAAAA Private Home Health Care


All About Corn

It’s summer and the time of year for delicious ears of corn.  It is appearing everywhere at many stores and if you grill or boil it can be so tasty.  

The question is what does corn have to offer us for nutrients and should we be careful about how much we eat?

Corn on the cob is a summer treat but you can also find it frozen and canned as you probably realize.  Additionally, corn is made into tortilla chips, polenta and of course popcorn to name a few things.

Overall as you might have guessed corn has many health benefits.  Moderation is key to this vegetable and whole-grain if you are diabetic but it should still be enjoyed.

You’ll get your fill of carbs when you eat corn but calories are low and fiber is high.  You’ll also get a small amount of protein from corn along with antioxidants which are always healthful.

Antioxidants include folate and good portions of magnesium, potassium and vitamins A and C. Corn is also gluten free!

If you eat corn regularly it will help with your digestion, aid in improving eye health and it helps protect your heart.

You do need to be careful about one form of corn and that’s when it’s turned into corn syrup.  

Corn syrup is to be avoided and you have to be on the lookout for it as it’s used as a sweetener in a variety of foods.  Cereals, breads, cookies and crackers use it and adding weight and sugar are two of the negative effects.

You and I are not the only ones who enjoy corn.  It turns out that forty percent U.S. corn is used for fuel.  Worldwide up to seventy percent of corn feeds animals.

Private Home Health Care enjoys cooking on the grill and eating an ear or two of fresh corn.  It’s one of the best parts of summer but we also keep it frozen to enjoy in the winter months.

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It’s the summer here in New England and the weather is warm so we are thinking about planning a vacation.  Are you?

According to Merriam-Webster vacation is defined as “a period of time spent away from home or business in travel or recreation” and “a time of respite from something.”

We think either definition sounds lovely and refreshing.  We all need a time away from our routines to relax and step away from our everyday lives.

A vacation can improve your physical and mental health, improve family relationships, give you an overall sense of well-being and boost your happiness.

The options are endless . . .. 

If you like the outdoors, camping can be fun and an affordable family vacation. 

You might like to rent a place near the ocean or by a  lake.  Book reading and swimming awaits you.

For those who like action, a park like Hershey Park or Six Flags so you can take rides and laugh or scare yourself silly.

Are you into birds?  Take a bird watching trip.  Do you enjoy sailing?  Go on an excursion.

Do you need to watch your wallet?  Enjoy a staycation.  Step away from work and do whatever you’d like to do with your time. 

The key is to do something that will be a change of pace that will leave you feeling less stressed and renewed. 

Private Home Health Care tries to balance working hard and taking time to relax and rejuvenate.  We hope you can take time away this summer to find your happy place.

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The Fourth of July

Private Home Health Care would like to wish everyone a very happy Fourth of July!

Tomorrow will be the 248th celebration of this holiday of our nation’s independence.

Interestingly, John Adams thought that the holiday would be celebrated on July 2nd.  It was on this day that the Declaration of Independence was actually ratified.  It turns out that he was only off a couple of days!

To all of you who will be getting together for cookouts, harbor illuminations, concerts and fireworks we hope that you enjoy the company you are with and the blessings we have.

We stand together as Americans in a land where we can live free to do as we please and have the freedom to express our opinions without risking our independence.

We hope that you and your family and friends enjoy a fun, relaxing and safe holiday! 

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Obesity is trending higher in the United States since the COVID-19 epidemic.  Being overweight and obese is defined as your weight being higher than what is considered to be a normal weight for your height.

According to the NIH:

  1. Nearly 1 in 3 adults (30.7%) are overweight.
  2. More than 2 in 5 adults 42.4%) have obesity.
  3. About 1 in 11 adults (9.2%) have severe obesity.

These statistics are for adults but the statistics for children are comparable.  If you are overweight or obese you are more at risk for health issues.  Some of these include Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, joint problems and strokes.

What are some solutions for this growing trend?

You can start by serving appropriate portions of food to your children and family.

Serve and eat healthy foods like plenty of fruits and vegetables.  These should outnumber meats, salty snack foods and desserts eaten.

Encouraging slow eating and if you only eat when hungry can help.

You should incorporate fun and physical activities into your and your children’s lives.  This also includes limiting screen time.  This can be a challenge in today’s world.

As an adult you need to try to get enough dietary fiber into your diet. 

Additionally, limit your intake of processed foods and try to eat more low-glycemic foods.
Private Home Health Care understands being overweight and how hard it can be for some people to keep off excessive weight.  We wish everyone all the best in your efforts.  It is well worth anything you can do for your health.

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Watermelon, The Hydrating Fruit

It’s the summer so it’s a great time to eat some delicious and healthy watermelon.

You may like how watermelon can help you stay hydrated.  Watermelon can really help quench your thirst in the hot summer months.  It’s mostly made up of water.

So watermelon is tasty and it hydrates.  What else is good about it you ask?

Watermelon is low in calories, carbs and you won’t get any fat from a slice either.

Tell you more you say?

Additionally, watermelon is loaded with nutrients.  From one cup of diced watermelon you’ll get Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium and Magnesium.  It’s a powerhouse fruit.

If you are diabetic you can eat watermelon in moderation because it’s all natural sugar.  Have a few almonds or walnuts after to balance it off.

Antioxidants include carotenoids, lycopene, and cucurbitacin E.  These all fight the free radicals that can damage your cells.  There is even some research being done on Alzeihemer’s Disease around lycopene.

If you aren’t convinced yet there are also theories that it can help with inflammation, muscle soreness and improve your skin health.
Private Home Health Care loves to eat a slice of watermelon in the summer.  We drink up it’s goodness and store it in the fridge to be enjoyed another day.

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Do You Go To Summer Camp?

Today we are thinking about summer camp, day camp and overnight camp, and we are wondering about your memories?

Where did you go to summer camp?  What type of camp was it?  Did you sleep away or did you go each day for a week or two (or maybe the whole summer)?

There are so many things that happen at camp.  You may have had activities of arts and crafts, music, theater, science and nature to name a few.  Did you have a favorite?

Usually swimming is an option too.  Did you swim in a pool, a lake or the ocean?  Did you get lessons or was it free swim?  Was that anyone’s favorite experience?

What kind of friendships did you make?  Are you in touch with anyone still from your camp days?

The counselors at camp can make all the difference in your experience.  Did you have some favorites?  Did you ever get lonely and need consolation?

A summer camp experience can give you so many great memories and friendships.  The fun activities, the stories  and memories of friendships and the caring people who ran the camp. 

It was hopefully a happy time filled with new experiences and learning opportiunities.You may not be able to go to summer camp now but you can remember and relive the days of old when you were a camper!

Private Home Health Care loves to remember days gone by and summer camp can provide some of our most vivid memories.  We hope it was a rewarding experience for you.

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How to Handle a Heat Wave if You are Older

The definition of a heat wave depends on your area.  In general, a heat wave is excessively high temperatures that last a minimum of three days. 

If you live in the Northeastern part of the United States the temperature soars to 90 degrees or above for you to be in a heat wave.

As you grow older your body cannot regulate its temperature as well so there are important things to keep in mind.  You might also have a chronic condition that makes body regulations trickier.

As an elderly person there are important guidelines for you so that you have health issues from the heat. 

You need to stay hydrated.  It’s key to drinking a lot of water, fruit or vegetable juices.  Avoid caffeinated drinks and of course alcohol.  Drink extra during a heat wave.

If you have air conditioning, keep it running.  Use fans if air conditioning is not available.  You should limit your use of the oven and keep shades, blinds, curtains closed during the hottest part of the day.  Keep windows open at night.

Try and get to someplace with air conditioning for a part of each day.  A library, senior center, movie theater or a family member or friend’s home.  Ask someone to take you there if you aren’t able to drive.

It’s important that you dress for the weather. Wear lightweight, light-colored and clothing that is loose.  If you must go outside, head out early in the morning or later in the day and be sure to wear sunscreen and a hat.

Your health must be guarded during a heat wave so if you feel muscle cramps, sweating, confusion, a rash, nausea or extreme fatigue check in with your medical professional.  These could be signs of a heat-related illness.

Private Home Health Care wants seniors to be very careful during extremely hot weather.  It’s important that you are watchful and stay cool.

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Have You Ever Tried a Yoga Class?

If you have, you are among the 34 million people who practice yoga in the United States.  There are over 48,000 yoga and pilates studios and 100,000 practitioners here.

You will join an ancient practice that started over 5,000 years ago in India.  Your  experience should include an interconnectedness of the mind, body and soul when you pull out your yoga mat.

With over twenty different types of yoga you are bound to find one that is right for you. 

Some focus on spiritual energy with breathing and meditation exercises.  Hatha yoga incorporates twisting, bending and folding movements.

If you want to go at a faster pace and push it a bit with more movements you could try Ashtanga, Yin or Iyengar yoga.  You get the breathing but add challenging movements and poses.

For those of us who are older, chair yoga has become very popular and has many benefits so don’t feel like you are cheating if you use a chair.

Chair yoga can help you stay balanced while still stretching and doing poses.  You get the benefits of improved strength, balance, help with arthritis, and reduced joint pain and reduced fear of falling.  

Whatever your age yoga is a great practice that can help you stay centered and fit at the same time.  There are lots of opportunities out there to join a group.  If you live in an assisted living facility you could advocate to get a group started.

Private Home Health Care enjoys sharing information that can be beneficial for all ages and  yoga is a practice that can work for anyone at any age!

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Summer Solstice

Tomorrow June 20 is the summer solstice and the first official day of summer!

For many of us now the past few days have felt like we are in the summer already with hot, humid weather but we aren’t quite there yet.

The summer solstice represents the time when the sun is at its highest point in the sky.  That will be tomorrow at 4:50pm so get ready to grill tomorrow night.

You may be like us and think about all of the great things about summer.  Heading to the beach, swimming in the ocean or a lake, taking a boat ride, gardening and maybe even taking a trip with family or friends.

The days of sunlight are longer and hopefully you are able to get outside more often (and without all that winter gear!).

Are you a kayaker?  Heading out on the water for a couple of hours of kayaking is a super way to get exercise and enjoy being on the ocean or lake.

Did you plant any flowers? If you are a gardener you can enjoy the plants and flowers that you worked into your garden. 

Do you like birds? You might get a bird feeder and watch who comes to visit.  Hopefully get a visit from  the birds in our area, like cardinals, yellow warblers, nuthatches and titmouses to name a few.

The beach is a great way to spend a day with your family.  At the beach it’s time for castle building or tide pooling and of course swimming.  Just be sure to have umbrellas and lots of sunscreen.

The awesome thing about the summer is that the options feel endless.  The sun is out, you can wear light clothing and your day lasts well into the evening.
We at Private Home Health Care welcome the longest day of the year and the summer tomorrow. We wish you all happy times and lots of memories to share.

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What Veggies Do You Like?

Today is National Eat Your Vegetable Day.  Are you ready?  

It is recommended that you are over age 51 that you eat two cups of vegetables a day if you are a woman and two and a half cups a day if you are a man.

The great news is that vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, perfect for adding to your healthy diet.

Additionally, they are low in sugar, sodium and fat.  That’s the bonus.

Think about all the colors you can add to your day with veggies.  The world is your oyster or perhaps in this case, your vegetable.

Green, red, yellow, orange, purple, white and on it goes.  You choose what you like and then you can eat them raw, steamed, baked or broiled.

It’s amazing really and so delicious.  

You get the most benefit from fresh vegetables, next would be frozen and last would be canned.

Leafy green veggies like kale and spinach are superstars but you can also get lots of goodness from peppers, carrots, peas, beets and sweet potatoes.  The list is just the tip of the iceberg.  

Do some research and you’ll discover just how great vegetables are for your healthy diet.

Private Home Health Care loves vegetables and we hope you eat some delicious veggies today and every day. 

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