Winter Skin
Now that winter has officially begun we are wondering if like us, you are having any trouble with dry skin?
These cold months your body can start to get dry patches and your hands can definitely need more care. If you are someone who tries to wash your hands to avoid illness, it can add to the dryness.
Today is National Winter Skin Day and there are dermatologists who have recommendations for how to help keep your skin hydrated.
One easy fix is for you to add a humidifier to your bedroom. The extra moisture can help add water to your skin as you sleep.
Another recommendation is to shower less often. If you shower daily, switch to every other day. In addition, turn the temperature down. Try to have a cooler shower rather than piping hot. Also, if you pat your skin dry rather than rub it that can help./
For your hands, try and keep handy a moisturizer so that after each washing you can use it to keep them from drying out.
Additionally, your body needs extra help. Choose a moisturizing cream (not a lotion) to apply after you shower or before bed each night.
Finally, try and dress in layers each day. The layers can keep you warmer but you can also peel off a layer if you get overheated. Soft flannel or cotton is less irritating to your skin.
Private Home Health Care appreciates tips during these cold winter months. During our busy winter days it’s always helpful to find easy ways to keep from getting irritated skin.
Posted in: Healthcare
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