Today is National Cannabis day, or “420”. As the name implies, is celebrated annually on April 20. It is an international celebration during which people come together to consume cannabis and advocate for its legalization. In Massachusetts, Cannabis has been legalized and is widely enjoyed as well as utilized for medicinal purposes.
The plant contains chemicals known as cannabinoids. Research indicates that cannabinoids have many health benefits. These include reducing anxiety and tension, reducing inflammation and pain relief, controlling nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, stimulating appetite for people with serious medical conditions, usage as a muscle relaxant, aiding with seizures and even killing cancer cells. Cannabis in all forms, such as CBD, is beginning to be widely accepted as a mainstream therapeutic treatment. It is a myth that using cannabis means that you will get high. In fact, many people use over-the-counter topical CBD creams to help with arthritis or eczema.
Private Home Health Care supports the medically supervised usage of cannabis as a natural, alternative medical treatment for many ailments.
Posted in: Healthcare
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