World Alzheimer’s Day
World Alzheimer’s Day
Every year World Alzheimer’s Day is celebrated on September 21st.
The day is set aside to help raise awareness for you and I, to support those caregiver’s dealing with family members or patients. Another goal is to work to take the stigma away from the disease.
Today in the US, the Alzheimer’s organization estimates that there are 6 million Americans living with the disease. Worldwide estimates increase to upwards of 55 million people.
It is a scary disease and as you age it’s easy to wonder if you might be getting a bit of Alzheimer’s.
The truth is that it’s a natural occurrence for you to get forgetful the older you get. The brain naturally declines and there are differences between what is natural and what has the signs of Alzheimer’s.
Memory Loss
Memory loss is more severe. It leads you to be confused and have difficulty performing familiar tasks. Your memory loss progresses more rapidly than normal forgetfulness.
You can get lost in familiar settings, lose track of time and experience a general disorientation. Additionally, you may also find it difficult to cook, dress or use normal household appliances.
Language and Communication
You have trouble finding the right words in situations or following conversations.
Your personality changes. You experience mood swings or become irritable and you might even have social withdrawals.
Private Home Health Care knows how difficult this disease can be for the patients and the caregivers. We feel it is important to understand the disease and to support those affected by it.
Posted in: Healthcare
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