Happy Chanukah!
Private Home Health Care would like to wish all of our Jewish friends a very Happy Chanukah.
The festive celebration begins tomorrow night at sunset and ends eight days later on December 15.
A menorah or Chanukiah is lit each of the eight nights of the celebration with a total of eight lights shining at the end.
The light commemorates the time back in 139 BCE when Jewish Freedom Fighters called the Maccabees were victorious over the Greeks who had taken over their Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
In looking for the pure oil to light the Temple menorah, the Maccabees found only enough for one day. Amazingly, the oil lasted for a total of eight days until they could get more. Such a miracle continues to be celebrated each year.
Families say a blessing as they light the candles. Presents can be given. Latkes, potato pancakes, and doughnuts are often found on the table. Spinning dreidels is a fun game played.
You can greet people just before the holiday or during the holiday with happy Chanukah. If you want to try and impress you can try it in Hebrew, Chanukah samayach (sah-MAY-ahkh).
Once the holiday is over though no need to use a greeting since the holiday is done.
We wish a very Happy Chanukah to all celebrating. Enjoy your time with family and friends.
Posted in: Healthcare
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